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Everything posted by mikep444

  1. mikep444


    Does anyone out there really believe this? A 170-pound man can have four to five drinks in an hour on an empty stomach before reaching a 0.08 percent blood-alcohol level. A 137-pound woman would reach 0.08 after approximately three drinks in an hour on an empty stomach. http://www.freep.com/money/autonews/gmadd24e_20050224.htm When your long freefall greets the waiting ground, does it spell the end or just a new begining? You'll never know until it stares you down.
  2. Hey all, I though you might like to see this. http://www.tvparty.com/vault5/ripcord1.ram When your long freefall greets the waiting ground, does it spell the end or just a new begining? You'll never know until it stares you down.