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Posts posted by pwln

  1. You are right, Not a good answer. I mostly Drive..

    Get to the DZ, get ready to jump, Oh, wait, where did I put my screwdriver... I pretty much just try not to think about the money I've spent on it. Maybe they will put in a "off button" at some point. They told me that they would think about it if they got requests for it. For now, I'll just keep a few extra batteries around and a screwdriver... (My protrack works fine, I can even turn it off...:)

  2. I travel a lot. (Mostly Driving) I can replace my battery, do a few jumps and the next weekend the battery would be dead or low. I've tried everything and now I just accept that it will always eat batteries.
    no backlight, no alarms, no buttons getting pressed in my gear bag..... I am going to get a hard case to store it in and then see how it does...

  3. I've met a lot of "OLD"er people when jumping. Go do it. It's the best thing I've ever done.

    You could even be a member of POPS. (I think)

    Membership requirements are that a person has made a parachute jump, or a tandem skydive, and is over forty years of age. An smaller group within POPS is the SOS - Skydivers over Sixty - and there even some JOES - Jumpers Over Eighty

  4. It's all my fault. When it hit the coast I said, "It looks like it's headed straight for Lake Wales. It did. Some people from my DZ winter down there and I hope to go back down this winter to do some more jumps with some great people. I'm also glad to hear everyone is ok. It's just stuff. My family was in orlando and rode it out there. Good luck to everyone down there and I hope to visit this winter.

  5. Now I'm not one to give advice. I am just now getting my A Lic. I went ahead and got a used container and main(170). Got a New reserve(175) and Cypress 2. My WL is about .9 to 1. I'm well aware I'll want a new container and Main in about a year. I'm happy with it for now and only have to worry about the cost of a lift ticket or an occasional coach jump.