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  1. I do see what you are getting at but I'm just explaining how I'm doing it. I learned the math from this publication, put together by some long forgotten rocket scientists, so please take a look ... Page 247 ... It also contains allot of other interesting Military skydiving information for the non Military jumpers out there. I took this method and instead of averaging or dog-legging I went the other way. As you can see averaging just makes it easier for us humans to do it by hand. As I'm using a computer, I can easily go the other way by doing more with the same information. So my program automatically gets & subdivides the winds aloft data into 200 foot altitude increments. Calculating the drift for a 16k jump this way gives me 80 drift vectors vs. the 5 you get from winds aloft data or the 1 you get from averaging. Hey, it's a computer, it likes doing long mundane repetitive calculations ;) The bottom line here is there are still too many variables (e.g. air density, old/unreliable forecasts, jumper movement, changes in vertical speed (exit, tracking, opening), not to mention what we do while in canopy flight) for any computer application to take into consideration and still be user friendly. Anyway, I think my program does a pretty fast & accurate job of getting you into the ball park with the known information available ... but it can't get you to home plate. Getting to home plate still depends on, where the pilot puts you out, what you do while in freefall, and even more on what you do while under canopy. Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  2. Done with you ... yes Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  3. I've made some updates to the 'Spotting Calculator' for you as requested... 1. If you are not logged in there is a link to request a login now plus appropriate 'Jumpers Notes'. 2. The 'Release' circle is based on 30 seconds at aircraft jumprun speed. 3. The 'Opening' circle is half the Release diameter. 4. I've added Bearing, Distance, & Lat/Lng to the mouse move (bottom of map). Thanks for all your input & support! Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  4. Amen brothers ;) Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  5. I agree ... spotting should be learned the old fashioned way first! Look at the forecast, do the math in your head, make a plan, and finally get in the plane and stick your head out the door. I can do it and every student rolling off the assembly line should be able to do as well. I'm not trying to replace spotting skills with a calculator. I'm just trying to help DZs & Jumpers get this info faster so they can make better informed decisions as well as to help instructors train students how to spot (can you say visual aide). Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  6. Actually no .. the drift values for freefall & canopy are the amounts of horizontal drift (in meters) experienced per one thousand feet of vertical travel. These values are multiplied by the speed of the wind at that altitude to produce the total drift experienced. This drift distance along with the wind heading determines the direction of horizontal travel. For example: If the winds at 5k are 20 knots then the horizontal drift from say 5.5k to 4.5k would be 60 meters (constant of 3 meters * 20 knots = 60 meters). If the winds are out of the East at 5.5k then you would be pushed 60 meters to the West by the time you fell from 5.5k to 4.5k (assuming you were not trying to move horizontally). Please note that the suggested drift values of 3 and 28 came from standard military skydives where they don't attempt to move around horizontally and have big floaty parachutes. For us skydivers we not only move around horizontally we also move around vertically and have zippy fast canopies. Head down jumpers move even faster in freefall so their drift constant is less ... say 2 or possibly 1 (really fast fallers are exposed to the winds for a shorter time and are therefore pushed less). Tandems on the other hand fall at about the same as belly fliers so they should stay with a value of 3. This will help visualize what I'm talking about... (Thanks Omniskore!) At my DZ we stick with 3 for freefall but use 15 to 20 for the canopy when Tandems are not on the load. If they are then we set the canopy value from 20 to 25. Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  7. For those of you who missed my repliy to 'I think it's not working. I think it's not user friendly. I think I'd use something else.' ... here it is again: Bet he thought I wouldn't have a copy ;) It's funny how through the night you delete your 2nd post about my site (with details this time) along with my thankful reply (see above). The best part is leaving the original posts in place to make you look good and me look bad. It must be nice to know the moderator. Again [popsjumper] you show yourself for what you are! You took the bait again but now sadly; there is no 'Catch & Release' for you. You've shown your colors as you turned to run & hide by deleting our posts. Delete this post too if you want, but you and I both know I've got your number and it's a zero. Hmmm ... I wonder how long it will take you to delete this post ... better hurry, clocks' running ;) CC: File Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  8. Now that's more like it ... it looks like you swallowed my bait as well; hook, line, & sinker! But I'm a 'Catch & Release' sort of guy that prefers re-catching the same fish again and again ;) Back to it then ... As for my public site it's just a read only DEMO! If you want to use/test the full function site then ask for a login and I'll freely provide one. What you have made clear to me is that I don't make it clear that the public site is only a semi-functional DEMO! THANK YOU! That's exactly the feedback I'm looking for! For now, I have to do this by login because if I didn't then everybody would be overwriting everybody else's jump details and that would really mess with people's minds. As for the 'Now Realized' problem I'll do what I can to correct this ASAP; spelling all of this out in a preface and giving you a place to request a login right then and there! Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  9. Just checked and the link provided is working fine. If however you still can't get there try going directly to ... ... the 'Spotting' links are on the left-hand side menu. If all else fails try getting with one of the younger tech-savvy jumpers at your DZ; they should be able to help you with using your computer and Google Maps. I know it can be confusing as I have to help my parents out all the time with using their computers and they are only in their 80's. By the way ... 99 years in the sport is impressive! Are you still jumping? I bet you have some stories to tell. But really, thanks for your detailed commentary. It's obvious you took some time to go over my submission in detail. NOT! I guess for some it's easier just to 'Quick-Slam' something than to actually take the time to explain why and/or make some 'constructive' recommendations as to how it could be made better. Or perhaps you are just bored and want to stir things up in this blog (I'll put my money on the later based on the 7+ posts you make every day). You've made it clear from your identity that you want other users to know who you are, what you are, and what you stand for. And yes I agree that we are all Bozos on this bus ... I just want to know who's driving!? Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  10. The vertical speed/distance isn't the problem. That is to say if there were no forward throw from the aircraft, no winds, no drift, and no horizontal movement during your descent you would land directly below where you exited. Your rates of descent or vertical speeds would only help tell you how long it's going to take for you to touch down not where you most probably will touch down. The various spotting applications out there are just doing all these mindless drift calculation chores for you. As for my web site, it automatically gets the closest winds aloft information for you as well (US only for now) thus eliminating more several painful steps in the process. For extra flavor, I added in the US NAVAIDs and Obstructions (towers, etc.) for the pilots who have to bus us around. This information comes in real handy when jumping a DEMO into an unknown location. Again, these programs are simply suggesting that if you want to land 'Here' you hsould get out 'There'. Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  11. This is the amount of drift, or how much the winds at altitude will push you sideways (horizontal) for every 1,000 feet you fall (vertical). Because the winds are different along the way (speed and heading) you are being pushed sideways at varying speeds and directions during your entire fall. The same is true while under canopy (the program assumes you make no attempts to steer your canopy and you simply drift along with the wind until you land). My program calculates these pushing effects, or vectors, for every 200 feet of vertical distance traveled giving you a more accurate spot than just averaging the speeds & headings and then drawing a single vector line from the landing zone (LZ). Also, the drift values are adjustable so you can calculate different spots for head down small canopy jumps (fast movers effected less by drift) vs. belly flying student/tandem jumps with bog canopies (slow movers effected more). As for larger aircraft with multiple exit groups I have a 'Jumprun - Cross Wind' setting. The calculates the GPS coordinates the pilots need to fly the line crosswind. Cross wind jumpruns provide the largest exit window for the exit grouping you describe. This helps the pilot get everybody out in a single path with the best chance of getting back to the LZ safely. P.S. Please forgive my 'Student/Wuffo' level explanation ... I want to make sure that all readers will be able to follow and understand more about the details of spotting. Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  12. I'm looking for people to test & comment on my spotting calculator. If you would like to participate, then please send an e-mail to me and I'll give you a login. Your login allow you full control over YOUR spot details that will be saved to your account. Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  13. I've changed the location so just go to... Please take a look and let me know what you think Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  14. Coming soon to a browser near you... Spotting (HARP) Calculator Here is a peek at my soon to be released web based tool for skydivers & aviators alike. Just click where you want to land and set your altitudes and that's it. I use the same method as the good ole' Army manual without the averaging or 'Dog Legs'. The map will automatically get the winds aloft data for your LZ and does all the math for you. It even provides the jump-run initial, release, & departure coordinates for Mr. Garmin. I can even draw special zones and lines to highlight any obstacles in your area that jumpers & pilots might not be aware of. Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions. TTFN - DJ Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)
  15. I know I'm tooting my own horn but have you taken a look at my stuff? Check out the Classifieds Miscellaneous section for 'Manifest Windows XP'... Mostly into developing software these days (web sites, databases, & simulations). At the DZ you'll find me with the other 'vidiots' looking for something to shoot ;)