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Everything posted by Ariana

  1. THANK YOU THANK YOU... For another wonderful and warm welcome. You are all so nice I love it! And the thing is I really do feel welcomed thank you all once again
  2. Thank you once again for the nice welcome - so warm and friendly - I love sky divin folk you are all so nice! Being nice is what makes the world a better place [email]
  3. Gday Gerb I love that little quote at the bottom of your name its so kewl Thanks for the kind welcome
  4. Hiay Masher I did both my Tandems in York WA - they totally Rock there lovely bubbley smiley people they made the whole experience so great. I just love the craziness and great joy that radiate from skydivers I think thats half the attraction to the sport Thanks
  5. Whats that? I think I am confused about what your talking about
  6. Gday From the otherside of Australia Hows things going with your AFF is it completed now? I'm nearly 22 and about to start my AFF course in Jan (if I don't chicken out in the mean time). Ariana
  7. Hi DanglesOZQld Gday from the otherside of Oz from WA! Live life as though there is no tomorrow don't think of yesturday... think of the present and live in the here and now and make it well worth remembering HAVE AN AWESOME CHRISTMAS AND PARTY HARD FOR THE NEW YEAR
  8. Oh I lived near Auckland when I was first born don't remember it though. The wind in Perth cuts around corners - its funny to see a calm day everywhere then into the city and its blowing like crazy - i spose its why windsurfing is just taking off here like mad...they are everywhere up the coast now and at all the beaches. Not only just in the water also on land too now...
  9. What part of oz do you come from?
  10. Alot of people do jumps with boards and boats and crazy stuff in Perth. U see we don't have much else to do - other than invent it ourselves. We have great beaches here and I may be a bit biased and say it is really beautiful here
  11. I actually live about a 30 second drive from the Heart of perth. Yeah its got the best beaches here and not to mention great weather for skydiving.
  12. Yeah! Many people who come from the otherside of the world will come here and ask us to point out the southern cross Where in NZ are you from?
  13. welcome to dropzone! Its a great place to share experiences and thoughts on skydiving and also get some tips hey?! And of course Kiwis can fly
  14. I'm not too sure if I thanked you for that. I do feel very welcomed - you are all such wonderful people alot like the wonderful people where I did my Tandem jumps. Thanks so much
  15. And what a wonderfully supportive famly it is. And I'm sure the addiction is already starting... I can't get enough of it already...I dream ok sky diving, I tell others about it, I try to get as much material together as I can to do with the sport - but there never is enough to feed the hunger to learn more ariana
  16. I spose the ground really is the limit. But isnt there a point of no return anyway before the ground? I know I'll have some awesome fun getting my license - thanx for your support
  17. thanx for that. I need all the confidence I can muster to get myself out of the plane. But like one person said to me don't fight the adrenalineo f fear use it!
  18. Hi from Western Australia. I've just done two Tandems and loved it so much. I'm going to do my 'A' lic in the end of October - beginning of November (whenever I can get the time off work)... Skydiving was the biggest buzz for me as I'm a plane phobic person. But it helped me feel more confident in my own abilities and it has in all made me a better person. Not to mention all the amazing people that I met along the way. I'm sure you will hear many more stories on my journey to achieving what most of you have already achieved. Dream big and aim high. "The skys the limits"
  19. On my 21st birthday I did my first skydive as a Tandem. It was amazing a couple of weeks later I was back again. Now 3 months later I am trying to muster up the courage to do it again. I think the addictive part is the rush you get - you just want more and more. its like a drug but hey its better than words can even put together! Its amazing! I try to describe it to my mates but none of them know just how much of a thrill it is. My Mum has done it too. She loves it but shes sticking to the Tandems