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Everything posted by SkyNangel

  1. Im outta here! My husband thinks Im shopping for a new ring. He sounded pretty nervous when he asked me what I was looking for haha...
  2. maybe its red jasper Red jasper is an intensely protective stone, acting to stabilize the aura and rid it of dysfunctional energy. This protection is also manifest during astral travel, which jasper is said to help facilitate. Relaxation, and contentment, mothering and nurturing, compassion, completion, and organization. Jasper can be used in the treatment of tissue deterioration of the internal organs, and for disorders of the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver and stomach - the energy is more appropriate for deterioration rather than the actual state of malfunction. Jasper can be used to treat the loss of sense of smell. It has been reported to sooth the nerves. sounds good to me hehe
  3. hmmm try looking for red jade, Im trying to find a pic
  4. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me. Its comforting to know that Im not the only one whos had these problems:) Ill never give up!! even though all Ive done is one tandem is such a blast:) seeing the mountains and green valleys from the air was just breath taking.
  5. I think it might have been the stress of my first jump... stress can have a bad effect on your kidneys... When I heal up Im going again lol I guess thats the only real way to see if its related to skydiving or not:)Quote
  6. haha okay! Ive made another Dr. appointment but they cant get me in until sept 9th :( lol Im an impatient person... I might have to ask around and find a dr whos gone skydiving to talk to..
  7. actually our opening was really smooth... The whole jump went well I thought .... can your kidneys become stressed during freefall?
  8. I was wondering if anyone knows of any site's that show the effects of skydiving on your kidneys? I went skydiving on the 21 and have been in bed for a week. my kidneys hurt. Went to the dr. he gave me cipro 500 to take once a day and his nurse told me that it maybe from skydiving. I was diagnosed with Vesicoureteral Reflux at the age of three. Anyone else ever have any problems with kidney pain after skydiving? "Personally I dont agree with her" I thought it might be wise if i asked you guys & girls though:)
  9. hehe Ill buy the beer WHEN I can jump out of the plane with my eyes open! I feel so bad , I closed my eyes when we were jumping out the door... Im just going to jump again and again until I can get it right ;)
  10. I LOVE it!! Its taken me all night just to calm down haha Im going back soon for another jump! OH GOD Ive never had so much fun in my life I really need to learn to relax more so I think im going to jump t1's a few more times.... when Im more aware and comfortable Ill then move on:) nothing like holding your head down during freefall and having the wind rush up your nose at 120 miles an hour hahaha my mouth was wide open and cheeks flapping in the wind haha also I live in Bend Oregon
  11. Thanks Skymama, and everyone !! :) OKAY! Im on my way takes me 4 hours to get there....
  12. just thought I would come in and say hi to everyone... I have my first jump today at skydive oregon.... Its just a tandem Im SO scared omg! hahah Ill let everyone know how I liked it when I get back! laterz have a nice day