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Posts posted by FlyboySMB

  1. A TS is a DOD clearance & it should be good for any position that requires a DOD TS. They don't hand out TS clearances like Secrets, you have to have a sponsor (ie: A customer who says you need one, Air Force, CIA, NRO, bla bla bla).

    They are few & far between now days (TS). Usually a TS is a stepping stone to a "compartmentalized" bingo tag.

    Oh, how I miss taking lie detector tests that if you fail means loosing your job!

  2. Have you jumped there before? Remember the altitude (high desert/faster/harder landings).

    The lake bed is hard as well as I recall.

    Have fun!

  3. The separation on the "close" canopy video SUCKED!!

    There were people in frefall all over, I think I counted 2 if not 3 besides the guy with the video.

    Maybe track a little (read A LOT) better!


  4. I was chatting with some friends one day & somehow we started talking about getting laid, having sex, you know "Fucking". I said to the husband, don't call it "making love" & the wife said,.... "no, sometimes you just need to fuck".

    That still makes me smile!

    She is a former Byron Siren, can you guess which one?

  5. I think that is the way the majority of jump runs go now days. What is missing is checking the spot before leaving. I have been guilty of it, but have not been burned by it.......yet

  6. I didn't read many of the other replies, so as to not get biased.... so here are my 2 cents.

    It would totally depend on the prior 45 seconds (specifically the prior 5-10 seconds) and the student. Was the student aware of altitude, did he/she know it was pull time, how did the dive from exit to 6K go? If the student was mentally in the dive from the get go and aware of pull time, then pulling at 5.5K may be pre-mature. If the student was brain locked then I would not have any problem with a main side pull. Hard to tell without more detail. For sure I have seen JMs, for whatever reason, pull for the student when it was not needed. Also, given the fact that a small percentage of Level 1s make a second jump, being conservative at pull time may not be such a bad idea.

    Not sure what you would do differently to avoid being kicked, that would not take you out of your reserve side position.. That's just a hazard of reserve side.

    Just my 2-cents.....