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Posts posted by br0k3n

  1. I currently jump a sabre 150 loaded at 1.1ish, and its spanks me almost every time. I estimate 80% of the time I have a fully inflated canopy in less than 300ft, and I had one at the weekend that was about 200ft.

    I have noticed that rolling the slider in with the tail does help slow it down, but it is at the point now where I am either going to get rid of it or try a larger slider, approx 4inchs larger.

    Does anyone here have any experience with a larger slider on a Sabre, and if so did it help? I spoke with my rigger when I asked about a pocket and he suggested that I just increase the slider size, instead of installing a pocket.

    I’m not after packing tips or suggestions, as I have had them all. Some helped some didn’t., well ok if you have any suggestions then I’m all ears.

    Currently 28inch ZP pilot chute & 20inch Slider

    Over to you,

    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  2. Quote

    you can teach about multiple religions while still claiming one religion is the truth.


    What gives anyone the right to claim to a child in a classroom that any particular religion is “the truth”….

    When I was at school we had Religious Education once a week, which wasn’t Religious Ed but Christianity Ed, which was claimed to be the true religion.

    Now call me old fashioned but if my child is going to be taught Religious education I want all religions covered, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Sikhism, Confucianism, Neopagan Religious Faiths, and Organised Religions i.e Caodaism, Druse, Gypsies, Native American Spirituality, Scientology etc etc etc etc

    Then when my child is informed, he can make his “OWN” decision which one, if any he decides to accept, believe or follow.

    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  3. Quote

    Well, I finally upgraded to XP Pro from Win2000.

    Is the bundled video editing program any good? I use Premiere 6.5 now, and it's powerful but I really can't say I like it much.

    I was the same I hated Premiere 6.5, however i tried Premiere Pro and it is fantastic, if you couple it with Adobe after effects and Photoshop, there will be very little the you will not be able to do.

    If you have used 6.5 getting the hang of basic editing with Pro will be easy, however to really use it and and After effects will take a little practice.
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  4. Quote

    Good point, here is a variation.

    Need more fluro... :P
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  5. Quote


    You managed to get a Skymaster 230 ft into a "violent" flat spin with only 2 line twists, is that correct? or even possible..

    Hell dude, I've had a Sigma 370 in a violent spin before. It CAN happen. From linetwists alone...well, loot at it this way. He's only got a couple of jumps, he doesn't know what a full on flat spin is. I thought I knew until I started jumping a high wingloading on a high performance canopy.

    It comes down to experience. If you haven't experienced it yet, its the craziest thing to date. So don't worry about it. To him it was a violent flat spin and I don't doubt it was radical, but don't worry about the minor details like what angle he was spining at. He had twists and was spinning. Would you liked to have had spinning linetwists with only a handful of jumps?

    Hey dont get me wrong I was just asking. I was jumping 240ft main when I was a student a couple of time I had it twisted up, 3,4 twists in it and it would still be almost flying straight.

    I had my spectre 170 with 4 twists in almost flying straight, and my sabre 150 with 2 twists in spun, but not to violently.

    I appreciate that what might seem like violent flat spin the first time it happens probably isnt, but i was just a question, I wasnt doubting what you where saying skydiver8282, just asking the question.
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  6. Quote

    Does anyone know what will cause line twists? On my second jump yesterday, my canopy twisted on opening and had two complete twist. That caused me to go into a violent flat spin until I got the twists out and released the brakes. Just looking for any ideas on what could have caused this. I pack the same every time and never had twists before.

    Is your profile correct? You managed to get a Skymaster 230 ft into a "violent" flat spin with only 2 line twists, is that correct? or even possible..
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  7. Quote



    I know more then a dozen people, actually.

    And I know no one. This to me, is the difference between the UK and the US.

    How many people do you know that have been mugged/robbed/etc?

    There are some that will not meekly submit to violence, and there are some that will. Sheepdogs and sheep, so to speak.


    let me guess your a sheepdog...:D:D:D

    Maybe, just maybe there are some people that just avoid violence.. did you ever think of that. or maybe im just loco :S
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  8. Quote


    in 30 years I do not know a single person who has had to use a knife or gun to "defend" themselves.

    I like how you put defend in quotes to make it look bad. Just because you don't believe in it doesn't mean its wrong, and just because your life has been lived in a bubble doesn't mean that others find themselves in harms way due to chance.

    Damn I'm glad we went to war and kick the british out of the colonies a long time ago.

    "Life in a bubble" you make me laugh :D

    Although I didn't think was relevant to this thread, I will mention it now.

    Interestingly, during my “bubble” experience was a 7-year military career, which involved two 6-month tours in an armed conflict (that’s a war).

    I think if we are going to talk about, guns, shooting people and life being in danger then I am a little more qualified then you.

    How many times have you shot live ammunition at a person?
    Me – about 4 times (considering I was an aircraft tech, not infantary)

    How many time has your life been threatened by someone with a gun actually firing at you?
    Me – at least 10

    How many people have you seen killed or wounded as a result of gunfire?
    Me – to many to count

    How many of these people did you know?
    Me – 3

    So I guess I picked the wrong “bubble” to live and, as it turned out to be a pretty dangerous one.

    And to be honest, I reckon if it came to it I don’t think you could point a loaded weapon at someone and knowingly and intentionally pull the trigger to end their life. It not like it is in the movies, and I know. Do you??
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  9. Quote


    Jeffrey & Aggie Dave - How many people do you know that have had to use a gun or a knife to defend themselves?

    There's one who is a regular poster to this particular forum. It's not that uncommon.


    it might not be uncommon for you... in 30 years I do not know a single person who has had to use a knife or gun to "defend" themselves. So to me I guess is not common.
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  10. Aggie, you sound like you been in a lot of gun battles, and Kennedy you sound like you hope to one day.

    Perhaps you chaps can explain what these situations might be or what they were.

    I can’t imagine where I am going to run into a situation that will require me to be “tooled up”
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  11. Quote

    Right, because we all know Aus is a crime free utopia where nothing bad ever happens to good people. :S

    Do you think being unarmed makes you safer?
    I'm safer while armed to protect myself, bad guy with a gun or wihtout.
    see first attached picture

    Do you think owning a gun makes you a violent criminal?
    I know dozens of armed people who've never done anything more illegal than speeding.
    see second picture

    Do you think that becuase you haven't been a victim you never will be?
    I haven't had a house catch fire either. Doesn't mean I don't have extinguishers.
    see third picture

    Hold on a minute, I just have to stop laughing before i try to type a serious reply... but hold on maybe your being serious... :S
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  12. Quote


    If I were walking down the street in britain with my Mini-Griptilian (2.75" blade, locking, part-serrated), which I use all the time in crafts I make with cord, are you telling me that the police wouldn't be able to pick me up for not having a "need" for the knife at that moment in time?

    If you tried to board a plane in the USA with your 2.75" knife you would be arrested and thrown in jail even if you had a need for it.
    If you tried to enter a Courthouse in the USA you would be searched without cause or reason, if found to have a weapon you would be questioned, maybe arrested and you would have the weapon confiscated.
    Many public building in the USA forbid citizens from carrying weapons and will search you without cause or reason before letting you enter.
    Most if not all concerts and sports games I have been to in the USA I was searched for weapons without cause or reason, I even have had to pass through a metal detector before being allowed to enter in some places.
    Some bars/nightclubs I have been to in the USA have searched me for weapons without cause or reason.
    Most schools in the USA use metal detectors to search all visitors without cause or reason.

    SFC you crack me up.... "without cause or reason" the US is a nation with a long history of shooting and stabbing each other, where everyone owns a gun or a believes they should carry a knife :S Do you not think that is "reason" enough :S:S

    If i ran a bar, school or museum etc I would be searching you ass if you wanted to enter, and my reason is as stated...


    Gee, maybe the folks in the USA are paranoid about god-fearing upstanding citizens carrying weapons.

    No i just think they are paraniod about being stabbed in the face or taking a cap in the ass.
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  13. Quote


    Jeffrey & Aggie Dave - How many people do you know that have had to use a gun or a knife to defend themselves?

    I know more then a dozen people, actually.

    Where do you normally hang Aggie, just want to make sure I stay as far away from you and your knife / gun wielding mates. I would hate to end up with a blade in my head.

    I don’t know a single person who has pulled a blade or gun on anyone, but then I guess it comes down to the company you keep.
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  14. Quote


    The dangers from jumping camera have very little to do with weight & camera size.***

    Your living in a fantasy world, how can you possible believe that jumping, say Tom Sanders set up is just as dangerous as a pc105 mounted to your helmet :S:S

    ***Whether you are using the camera as a flight recorder (no such thing everyone tries for the shot)

    In your words BOLLOCKS, I think at first there is the tendency to "try and get the shot" but once you are over that it is quite simple to just ignore the fact you are wearing a camera, I know I am quite capable of doing this, and im sure im not the only person.

    *** you still are using brain cells that up until then are used to keep you alive.

    :SIm not speaking for everyone here, but I and im sure most people are quite capable of doing more then one thing at once, and are not that short in the brain cell department.... Lets not try to get carried away here in some unnecessary sensationalising or our sport or camera flying. The average human being has more then enough “brain cells” to be able to jump camera.

    Instead of looking at the fatalities think about all the near misses I am sure you all have seen them.

    Yes I have seen things that could have resulted in injury or possible worse, but none as a result of a person wearing a camera. Maybe it is different at your DZ.

    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  15. 1) camera helmets and cameras being lighter and more common is a fairly new addition to our sport. It used to be only the strong necked and innovative carved this discipline into their resume.

    This is a good point, not just lighter but alot smaller. These days wearing a Pc105 or similiar size camera in a custom fibre glass mount is nothing like having an old VHS camcorder strapped to you head. Therefore increasing the safety aspect, by having a lighter load on the head and neck, and reducing the snag hazard.

    So the only real danger is newbies is becoming distracted whilst trying to get a particular shot, losing hight awareness etc etc
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  • Quote

    Funny how different people can look at the same data and come to different conclusions.

    I'd look at the data this way . . . even though those people had a LOT of jumps . . . the camera did them in . . . so what chance does a newbie have?

    True, true.....

    I guess there are several ways to you can look at this, what chance do the newbs have? what chance to the experienced have? in fact what chance does anyone have......

    At the end of the day the fact is that there have been 5 fatal incidents in the last 9 years as a result of flying a camera, all by experienced jumpers. If newbies where that much of a risk then why have there been no recorded incidents??? Thats all im saying.

    Im not trying to say go fly camera as soon as you can there is no risk, of course there is.

    But I dont think the risk is as great as people here trying to make out. If it is please provide the evidence, not opinions.

    Im feeling argumentative today, if you hadn't noticed>:(
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  • The type of films that you are refering to are called documentarys and and require a lot more time, effort and knowledge to film and edit.

    The montage (mtv style) is simple, all you need is a bunch of raw footage and a soundtrack. To edit a basic montage also doesnt require a degree in Film & video editing.

    Also I would guess that most of these films that you have seen were not created for the purpose of educating wuffos, but to be appreciated by other jumpers.

    There are a bunch of films here that might intersest you

    Hope this helps.

    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  • This is interesting if you search the Skydiving Fatalities Query Engine for camera related deaths then out of 545 incidents since 1995, 5 have been related.

    Of those 5 fatalities 4 had over 2000 jumps and one had over 4300.

    So is it really that bad to strap a camera to your head with a 100 jumps?

    As CJP pointed out the APF don't seem to think so.

    So Ockers its your call dude...
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  • Just thought I would share this with you all, let me know what you think.

    filmed on location at Sydney Skidiving Center.
    staring: Rusty and CJP, filmed and edited by me,

    Its 34MB sorry....
    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  • I bought a 0.3 from Royal, and am very happy with it.

    Its great for close range stuff FF particulary, I do wish they would make a .42 or .45 lens though.

    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

  • My two cents,

    I was the same, soon as I had my C I wanted to strap a camera to my head, not interested in shooting tandems etc just a flight recorder.

    And that is exactly what I did…

    I now have jumped 150 times with my camera, out of those 150 none have been specific camera jumps where I have filmed a formation or a jump, on every jump it has purely been there as a flight recorder.

    The first 20 / 30 jumps or so I was aware of the camera and at time found myself trying to get a particular shot, and as AggieD points out it is a distraction, even though you might not think it.

    However (and I guess everyone is different) in all the camera jumps I have done, never has there been a moment where the fact I have had a camera has caused a situation to arise that has been dangerous to others or myself. I always know the jump, my altitude, the run in direction etc etc etc…..

    Yes there have been times that I have jumped to get a specific shot, and in those cases the jump and the shot were planned and everyone involved knew what was happening. I think the risk arises when you decide on a shot during a jump and become distracted because of it.

    I guess the issue (in Australia) is that once you have a C licence you can strap on a camera, however until you have your D you have to have and RSL attached hooked up, and the two don’t mix very well.

    Maybe 1000 jumps before you put a camera on is a little on the cautious side, but just beware of what you are doing and don’t get distracted.

    --+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+