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Posts posted by dixieskydiver

  1. Quote

    what's it do or look like zi aint D/Ling nothing ibn spec:)

    The images scroll automatically and you can resize everything. It learns what kind of news stories you like and you can select how many items you want to display. It has a neat little note pad thing built in so you can put reminders to yourself there. It integrates with gmail to show you your new messages. It has a quick link bookmark section and a weather pane and someother stuff that I don't have enabled in this screen shot b/c I personally didn't need it. So :P to all you doubters. Oh yea its got the search stuff that the deskbar had before too.

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  2. Google is the anti-microsoft and all who are geek know that they will one day raise up and slay the beast and free the peoples of this land.

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  3. Hey wait a minute. Are you guys calling me a geek? :| I'll remember that the next time your computer breaks. :P

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  4. This is a phrase I use often with inanimate objects, it's usually preambled by "If I were a woman...". However seeing as I thought you'd all heard this phrase I left it out for the sake of saving myself 1 1/2 seconds. Sigh.

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  5. Dear Lords of Fate and Chance,

    Thank you ever so kindly for intervening on my behalf and preventing me from seeing any of Bolas's naked jaunts around the former Rantoul Air Force Base's grounds. However, if it had been 20 degrees cooler and the jet jumpable, I think I would have traded in the other favor in a heart beat.


    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  6. I want to have it's babies. With my 1600x1200 resolution I have plenty of room to share and I some of these features are down right nifty! Also I have RAM to spare so what the heck.


    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  7. Dear Guy Sitting Behind Me At The Waffle House At 5 AM:

    What the fuck old dude. I've been out night drinking with people 3 times my body mass who are intent on getting themselves drunk and insisting that I match them drink for drink and I've finally staggered into the Waffle House at 5 am to sober the fuck up before I go to bed. Is it REALLY fucking necessary for you to make the most DISGUSTING fucking sounds you can directly behind me. Your mucus problems interest me not in the least, go see a fucking doctor. Christ. As if I didn't need to puke before I walked in there I also have to eat the food and listen to you! Even the WH employees made disgusted faces when you went to the bathroom and that is fucking saying something.

    This semi-sober rant has been brought to you by:


    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  8. I think it's normally called the "leap" isn't it? Congrats GFD :)

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  9. I thought that first pic was a screen grab from a Stuart Little movie. Cool :)

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  10. Quote

    I wash my keyboard in the dishwasher, however I unscrew the back side and take the electronics out.

    Then I just put it back together afterwords. Works fine and is pretty easy to do. I also pop all the keys off and hand wash them.

    I just buy a new one every year. :|

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  11. Goddamnit I fucking clicked the wrong one without reading the fucking explanations. I am profane alot but I am actually all three. Where is the multiple answer option goddamnit?

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  12. Quote

    You know, a great deal of people are commenting about aircraft. that's not what it's about for me. It's not about the free beer either. I drank far more Corona this year than free stuff. It's about the vibe and the people's attitude in general. This was my fourth WFFC in Rantoul (yea, that's means all of them), and this time I had BY FAR the best time. Maybe it's because of alot of things, but I tend to believe that it's the simple fact that so many naysayers and negative people stayed away.

    Size aside, to be, this was the best convention in 5 years (everyone knows how bad '01 in Quincy was), and if it gets bigger again, fine, but don't change the tone...

    I'm with Jim, I had a blast! It was a small turn out and it's SO far for me. I think a couple of shrinking years to cut off some of the bloat of the convention and get people used to doing it cheap and "roughing" it will be good for WFFC and in a few years it will be back to its former glory. But as for next year you will find me at Skyfest :)

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  13. Dear Ants That Are Invading My House,

    You suck. Stop finding every single empty Coke can I leave near the computer desk. Although I do take some pleasure in smashing you all with my index finger one by one, it's getting out of control. I put the cat down so now I am free to employ all manner of pesticides on you. Beware.


    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  14. First of all:

    Dear Sangiro,

    You rock.


    Dear Coca-cola,

    You are the nectar of life, Ambrosia. Please find a diet formula that tastes as good as the real thing so I can lose some weight. I'm way too lazy to do it by exercising and my fall rate and wing loading are getting out of control!


    Dear Hot DZ.com Women,

    How y'all doin'?


    Dear Empty Wallet,

    I went to Rantoul and you were full of money. Now you are completely empty. WTF mate?


    Dear Beer,

    Mmmmmmmmmm Beer. What would my life be without you?


    Dear Indiana Skydiver Girl,

    You stole my sheet. So not cool. I gave back your shirt, WTH? That was a nice, albeit slightly smelly, sheet! If I had known I would have kept that shirt and jumped in it! Send me my sheet back!


    Dear Lil Sis,

    I know that when you were packing for college you thought you couldn't possibly live without all of your possesions, but being as how you were curiously absent when my ass had to haul all 20 boxes up the four flights of stairs to your dorm in 100 degree humid ass fucking heat you may in the future do it your damned self.

    Your Brother

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  15. Hey you Blue Sky Adventure people, ask around see if someone lost a closing pin necklace recently. I found one downtown Charleston (how random). My other thread got a little hijacked about people's lost glasses :S.

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  16. Quote

    >Thanks for untying me so I could finally respond.

    Well, you asked so nicely.

    Shouldn't that be begged?

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  17. Quote


    I'm sorry Cocheese, I would just really prefer it if you called me Mikkel.


    He can call you that, but would it be okay if I called you Sweet Thang?!:);)

    I think sweet thang would appeal to my southern sensibilities :)

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  18. Quote

    From now on, I will to refer to you as your first name. Seems i offended a friend by saying these things, so thank her for helping me break my habit of calling you something other than your name.

    You on the other hand can call me anything you want and i won't be offended.. because I'm a guy.

    Bye sweetie, i mean, Bye Jane Doe.

    I'm sorry Cocheese, I would just really prefer it if you called me Mikkel.


    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

  19. That sounds like fun! I hope they use the good double quilted stuff though, I'm sure it holds alot more Jet A.

    HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
    "Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."