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Everything posted by ledders

  1. Kopko - you may like to see my thread from a couple of days ago called digital video editing (or something like that). I have just started editing using my new Toshiba Satellite laptop and am losing frames. I have had helpful responses from other people that might stop you having the same probs as me. I edit using MS Moviemaker 2 (its a free download and VERY simple to use - but does not count dropped frames) on a 2.4GHz, 512 Mb RAM 25 Gb storage machine. I use a firewire link between my PC9 and the laptop, and download the edit to the camera then on to VHS (if thats what people want, or direct to DVD on the computer).
  2. I have just been through a similar thought process. My local Sony dealer recommended Firewire (someone else has pointeed out the 4 pin v 6 pin gotcha) to link my PC9 to my laptop for editing. Luckily my laptop has a firewire port so I didnt have to buy a card or additional hardware. Apparently USB 1 doesnt have the capacity to transfer video. I am dropping frmaes through (see seperate thread in this forum) but I think this is a laptop issue rather than the Firewire link.
  3. One other thing - no, I was not unplugging the laptop during download from camera to VHS. I can see that something simple like this might make a difference. I will try it - thanks for the tip :-)
  4. Thanks for your responses - some useful thoughts which I will consider once I understand the techie stuff. Seems like I need to check the technical spec again (I had thought that 2.4 GHz, 512 Mb RAM and 25Gb of unused hard drive would be enough - its a new computer so I dont think i need to defrag yet, but I hadnt checked the hard rive rotation speed) and make sure I have nothing else running in the background. Interesting to hear that I am not the only one suffering.
  5. Sorry about the poll thing - new to this forum as well as camera
  6. Anybody help with a problem I am having with digital editing? When I edit the video from my PC9 though Microsoft Moviemaker 2 on my laptop and download it to VHS back through my camera I get the occasional dropped frame which makes for a slightly jerky product. My laptop easily exceeds the recommended spec for Moviemaker in terms of processor speed, RAM and storage. The problem does not occur when i domload direct from the camera to VHS. I bet I am not the first person that has had this problem!
  7. What a neat gadget - the light has saved me from the 'camera switch off on climb out' scenario already! I have my button below and slightly behind my right ear. My camera is in a pouch on the right side of my Gath and I put the switch next to where the zipper that closes the pouch is. I know where to find the switch because I am used to checking the zip is done up with the helmet is on and the switch gets some protection from the pouch. Interesting thread - I am having a Bonehead Flatop rigged up was wondering where to put that switch ......