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Everything posted by EnreeB

  1. Great to meet you as well PJ!!! It’s probably a good thing that you left the country before immigration heard about THAT night on the Sunset Strip…. Maybe next time you’ll make into the SkyBar, although you may have to leave the Kiwi and Ms. Windsock at home! Look forward to your next trip out this way. Henry
  2. Yea Paul, I'll be buying the beer @ the Bomb Shelter tomorrow evening. Weather forecast looks good. I'll arrive at your place 7am. Have the coffee ready. HB
  3. Hello all, Now that I've been totally outed by Paul I'll move out of lurking status. According to the "rules" I should be very popular by now with all the un-registered reading I've done. This is Henry and I recently completed my AFF at Perris. WOOOHOOO!!...(Don't worry Stu, Shelly, Ki, Eric, Raoul, Patrick, Uli and the rest of you guys...the beer is coming). This weekend is my first solo (weather permitting) and hope to get at least four jumps in. Very Psyched! If anyone is out there this weekend and sees a tall blonde guy with a very excited yet focused, mixed with a little bewildered look on his face, come over and say hi.(I'll probably ask you for a gear check.) Not only is this an awesome sport but what an awesome community I am joining. Looking forward to meeting many of you in person as my skydiving career progresses. In the mean time I'll read a lot, contribute what I can, and enjoy the flight. Henry