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Posts posted by firstime

  1. With this personal screw up (not a mal) I have gained a huge amount of respect for a sport that could take me out in a millisecond, I dropped my guard and "Murphy" got me, funny thing is that I was in bed early the night before was not hung over therefore I was on top of my game. What the F#%k.

  2. i thought about it, but watching these guys going from 8am to 9 pm non stop, ( they were in their 20's) and their asses were kicked. Doing 3 or 4 jumps a day myself I reconsidered, I would rather have a mean green after the sunset load. But then again I didnt need the $

  3. just my opinion:

    the jumpers who can pretty much give you a description
    of who opened when,where and how and when they entered the landing pattern. There are a few jumpers @
    my DZ that have that perception, who also take note of
    the predicitibilty of regular jumpers. Most jumpers...errr
    maybe half have their "head on a swivel" , this in my view
    is a good pilot. Feel free to beat me up but I am comfortable with this concept.

  4. yup @ the wffc 2005, a jump with Shaylan Allman, as we docked he was laughing at me, he then reached for my forehead , as a new jumper I thought it was a belly horny
    gorilla??? wtf, My goggles were on the top of my helmut
    which he quickly corrected and snapped back to my face.
    I felt like I had sand in my eyes for the whole day.

  5. Quote


    I’d like to see a DZ focused organization (perhaps PIA, defiantly not USPA) help DZ’s get their act together on the business front, and I’d like USPA to help instructors handle their relationship with DZO’s. That may be pie in the sky, but I think splitting DZ’s from USPA is a key part of the solution.

    I think this kind of goes along with the feeling that some posters have expressed that USPA doesn't represent individual jumpers anymore and is instead a trade association for the DZs/DZOs. I haven't been around long enough to say if I agree with this or not, but if you take it as a given, that also seems to say that there should be at least two organizations: one for the jumpers, one for the DZOs.

    One way to do that would be to let the USPA be for the DZOs and create a new organization for the jumpers. I am not sure how well this would work; starting a new organization takes a lot of time, effort, and money.

    Another way is to have the USPA be the jumpers' organization and expand PIA to include the DZOs. PIA is already concerned with the business side of parachuting, but it seems like, at the moment, they mostly represent the gear manufacturers. I know that some larger DZs are also members, but I don't think there are nearly as many DZs that are PIA members as there are DZs that are USPA Group Members. This may be also be hard to set up; if one assumes that the DZOs are currently "in charge" of the USPA and are structuring the rules to favor themselves, they probably won't like the idea of being a couple of steps removed from the rule-making process.

    Again, I am not an instructor and I haven't been around that long. It just seems like there are a couple of areas where "splitting DZs from the USPA" might possibly be interesting.


    What ???? :S[:/]:P

  6. The key is "intentional" insurance speaking. Then there
    is zippo coverage, trust me ,I have been in the the biz
    for 18 yrs and unless you can convince a claim rep of an unintentional cutaway after he talks to everyone at the DZ
    (which he or she might do) chances are you will not be paid. I used to schedule my rig to find it was a waste of

  7. That may not be an unusual situation, or a problem. He was probably aware of the canopies in the air and not a threat at all. Your best bet would have been to find a quiet moment later in the day and ask the pilot if he was aware of the jumpers, and perhaps suggest that his proximity made you uncomfortable, even he he did know what was up.

    Ditto Tom,
    Most pilots are pretty much on the ball, but still a question would be in order.

    Tom Buchanan
    Inst (AFF, SL, IAD, Tandem)