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Posts posted by Unstable

  1. There seem to be a very limited number of canopies out there that are CReW specific. I know that many of them cannot be taken to freefall, and have very limited use outside the CReW setting.
    What canopies out there would be good for recreational or more serious CReW as well as safe for landing a jumper after a RW or freefly dive? I know the triathalon is friendly for this, but i dont know if it is used for CReW beyond basic recrational docking with a couple of buddies?
    What about a standard F1-11 7 cell or 9 cell by eithr PD or Flight Concepts? I know most jumpers now try to stay clear form the older F1-11, but wold these canopies accomodate regular CReW as well?

    I appreciate any help i can get.

    - sds

    =========Shaun ==========

  2. That will be a real treat to have that plane here, I sure am going down for at least one day. Hey, the weekend after that (June 13, 14 &15) is KSUPC's king Air boogie in Wamego KS! This is going to rock........

    =========Shaun ==========

  3. I crap you not: this is true, my buddies and I tried it and it actually work.
    Take some carpet and stick it up on the ceiling. Then, grab pussy by his back and tack him up on the ceiling. CATS CAN"T RETRACT THEIR CLAWS!!!!! He was up there for about 15 minutes before we pulled him down. lol

    s. smith
    "MY cats breath smells like cat food"
    =========Shaun ==========

  4. Freefall, Freefly, whatever. Seems like a good waste of Canopy time to me! Heck, it's being the master of your canopy that will let you walk away safely and make more jumps. But who knows, maybe everyone here has already learned everything there is to know ;)
    Exits are Way cool, I settle the two by pulling high.

    S. Smith

    "Dear Boss,
    You suck, works sucks, If you need, i'll be at the DZ"

    =========Shaun ==========

  5. My best Skydiving dream?
    It's the one just like I used to have before i started jumping, you know, where your falling.....falling.....falling....... but instead of waking up before I hit the Ground, I wake up after a Soft Tip-toe landing in the Peas.
    Actually, most of my skydiving Dreams involve Nekkid Ladies at one point or another. They fit in, trust me ;)

    s. smith

    =========Shaun ==========

  6. I know i'm gunna get the CReW bug and i haven't even started yet!! LOL. I've known i've wanted to do CReW ever since my FJC last summer, i was just waiting to get enough experience to try it. And yeah, I'm planning on comming up may 10th and 11th to work with Bryan, and i'm hoping to meet a lot of great Skydivers up there!!

    S. Smith
    "Dear Boss,
    You suck, work Sucks, If you need, I'll be at
    the DZ"
    =========Shaun ==========

  7. This Safety and Training post seems to be dominated by Those with questions or comments in regards to Their AFF training.
    Why have so many DZ's droped the S/L progression program and moved to AFF? Is it to maintain a better cashflow or do they feel it is a better training tool?

    Personally, my logic tells me that Static Line is a better training device, for the fact that it puts more emphasis on canopy control early on, and slows the progression down to a step-by-step approach.
    I was trained using a "Leash"or a "dope rope", so my opinion may be biased.
    Comments? how were you trained, how do you feel about your training method??
    Go wild.

    Shaun Smith
    Why didn't the pirate go to the movie? B|
    - Because it was rated ARRRRRRRR B|
    =========Shaun ==========

  8. Sweet rig buddy, If i were jumping it and was about to impact the ground, i'd be sure to bounce belly first to save the container. :)
    Just out of curiousity, a LOT of people now are going to the wings. Most of the new rigs out at the DZ i'm from are Wings. Whats the attraction, price, service, comfort? Javelin had better watch it's back!!!

    =========Shaun ==========

  9. It seems that most people out here buy their own gear between jump 30 and 60. I have seen however, some guy get his own rig before he was off S/L, and another extream was some guy who didn't own his rig until jump 200-something.
    My advice, talk to as many riggers as you can. A lot of riggers will have rigs they are selling, and you know that help with your new equipment won't be far away.
    I bought my rig on jump 29 from a rigger down in witchita, and he's been great in helping me learn the ropes of being a good owner.
    You dont' really want to go spend a lot on money on your first rig, give yourself 100 jumps and you'll want something different anyways, your first rig is just to see what you like.

    - shaun
    =========Shaun ==========

  10. Hey Everybody!
    I'm kinda a low timer over at the Kansas State University Parachute Club, and i'm doing what i can to further myself as a skydiver.
    Out of all the diciplins I've seen, CReW interests me the most, and i would really like to find a coach or someone to help me learn. I understand that a skydiver can only focus on one thing at a time, and i would be willing to put all my focus on learning proper and safe CReW.
    The problem is i don't know where to turn for coaching out here in Kansas. At our DZ, there are mayb e 3 or 4 people with limited CReW knowledge, maybe they've docked once or twice, none of which would be experienced enough to teach a newbie to do CReW safely and effectivly. I haven't the faintest idea where to turn.
    Does Anybody know a jumper in Kansas (KSUPC, Skydive Kansas, Skydive Suppesville, Air Capitol, Skydive Witchita) that would take on a student like myself? I'd drive to whatever DZ in the state i would need to.

    I'm currently jumping a PD193 7-cell, wingloading it about .9:1, Is this approp. for learning CReW?

    Any Advice or comments are welcome! my reqular email is:
    [email protected]

    - SHaun :)"A Frenchman once game me the advice, "why would anyone want to go stable on exit""
    =========Shaun ==========

  11. I can't find the information i'm looking for here on the Altico Website.
    I currently jump a '98 Dolphin with the Tuck-Tab risers that fall short of covering the shoulders. Really aggrivating, but i decided not to pay the $150 to get it fixed, and just save that up for jump tickets and to payback my parachute loan (I'm still amazed i got approved for that ;) , banker was probably drunk ) But what i was wondering is if the new Dolphins come with the low-profile tuck-tab riser covers that altico offers as an upgrade.

    Does anybody jump one of the new Dolphins or one with the riser cover mod? Comments?

    - Unstable
    (A Frenchman once Gave me the great advice
    "Why would anyone want to go stable on Exit?)
    =========Shaun ==========