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Posts posted by sunnydee123

  1. Yeah well if skymama jumps naked she has to land naked......FREE SHOW.....kidding!

    NO ROOM SERVICE? DAMN! Well can I at least request a room with a place to pee that doesn't require squatting behind bushes?;) I'll bring my tent and sleeping bag anyway, I'm good with an AC'd floor....

    Welp - you know where to find me if it works out and I don't make fun of any short people...I'm one of them. Thanks again for the offer....Talk to ya soon....

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  2. whose that offer goiing out to?

    ooooohhhh, my mom always told me not to talk to strangers - not sure if that included not having sleep overs with strangers....hee hee...but if you can't trust your skydiving pals - who can ya trust?! That would be great actually, if it works out, cause I was already thinking I might just have to sweat my butt off to jump lots. Price ya pay - I can suck it up but hey - nice offer...keep me posted. Thanks!

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  3. I was just getting ready to say I know why everyone is heading there......not sure I am that brave just yet.....but hey - I don't know any of you guys.....hee hee. Now I might have to REALLY think about making it there......YIKES!

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  4. Oh pooo...I'll see what I can do. Have plans on Sunday that put a bump in things but maybe I can drive over Sunday night and play all day Monday with my new found pals......Might make for a sleepy Tuesday at work but thinking it might be worth it. So does that work for you Kenny? Is anyone camping or living the high life of luxury in a nearby hotel? OOOoooo, my tummy is getting all excited thinking about jumping...D

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  5. Oooohhhhh Thank you "clusterit"......What girl doesn't like being told she is "good"......tee hee! I am meeting too many cool people from that area so I will DEFINITELY make a visit there, just thinking I might wait for a cooler time of year since I think it must be just as hot there as it is here right now......Don't forget me (the name) cause when I come I'm tracking people down........

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  6. I was talking about making the road trip there either the 23rd or 24th....will ya jump with me too? PLEEEEEEEEASE. I'm so excited about all the new peeps I am meeting.......will be fun, fun, fun!

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  7. Figures....sorry for snapping - haven't had my protein shake yet this afternoon. I broke out the sewing machine last night and am going to ATTEMPT to make my own freefly suit. YIKES! At least it will be a one of a kind. You have a name "ya big Canuck"?

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  8. So long you gonna be around Zhills? This weekend I am HOPEFULLY utilizing my friend who started me on this freefly stuff (thank goodness) before he heads out for the not sure I could make it this weekend but we have a nice LONNNNGGGGG weekend next weekend...although traffic might be a bear. Any other travels plans this summer...thanks for all the info. See ya round, always up for new "freak" friends....

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  9. Alright ya big Canuck.....what's with the "not working" jab? Or am I once again being an over-sensitive girl.....

    Thanks for the tips. Been jumping capri pants and big shirt and that works fine but I want to also look the part. I've still got being a girl on my side so fashion is not critical yet - no worries. I think I'm gonna start keeping tabs of everyone who give me little "tips" and offers to make careful, I might track ya down. Always looking for a volunteer to jump.......:P

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  10. Oh come on Ramon...don't be shy. If someone thinks you are that it up my friend. Got me thinking about visiting the Houston area...hee hee. I want to learn but I also want to keep it fun so I am not thinking about ALL DAY TRAINING but 5 or 6 jumps with some coaching from a "not world class" freeflier would be super duper...since I am still simply a newbie at ALL of this. Just hate jumping's boring - most of the time. Maybe I'll see ya 'round.....Denise

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  11. Also...anyone know if there is camping if I was to visit Houston and this "ramon" loved by all kinda guy? Cause I sure as heck won't want to be wasting cash on a comfy bed and air conditioned room...hee hee but what are Houston summers like? Ramon is is Waller correct?

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  12. I hear lots about that a nice drop zone? I sometimes forget living in Florida that we have quite a few drop zones I could visit right here in my own backyard. Let me ask something else, how important is it to have an actual freefly suit compared to just flying regular clothes? I bought a damn RW suit when I started this, wore my newsuit I think 4 times and then decided to freefly so it sits in a bag....Do you know how many jumps I could make with the cash back on that one....Ho-hum...Happy jumping all........Denise

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  13. Good to know....My pal has a good handle on how much I move around when I try something new. We get a good laugh out of the video from the first few sit attempts....great fun! But also big enough to admit only brave enough to jump with one person at a time when I am learning....So have you hit 100 yet and gotten pie'd? I can't wait.....I'm such a girl sometimes.....Maybe I'll see ya this summer....hoping to take a few LOOOONG weekend trips and log jumps in places other than Sebastian - although Sebastian has been a great place to start this adventure.....

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  14. Clair, oh Clair - where are you? Made a new pal in Sebastian but she headed back to England before I got to say bye. Had some pics to share. Can't miss her little teeny self or the bright ass freefly suit she just got (blue palm trees and orange sunset patchwork -or something like that - very uniqie), also has a big fat silver stripe down each side....if anyone sees Clair - tell her Denise said Hi and I'm up to 74 jumps now...Watch out!

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  15. Thanks again for all your tips....I love to hear something new and then run and try it out so this weekend I'll be flipping out of the plane and see how I do getting to that sit....OHHHH, I'm so excited! I also want to try - just for the heck of it - what it feels like to TRY and stand. Should I chill out a bit or try and see what it feels like? My pal is back in town for one last weekend so I'm going to jump him like crazy....ummmmm...jump him...anyway...we'll jump and have video and have tons of fun before he is off....then I will be planning my summer get-aways. I started this adventure back in February just as Sebastian was having the Freefly BigWay. I am hearing names and seeing faces that were there and I had no clue who they were...I fondly call them "the cool kids". I'll be one of them one day.......Big dreams, high hopes, and big cheese ball grins!!

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  16. I was wondering the same thing about coaching. Have had a friend jumping with me since I wanted to start sitting and it has been going great (and this forum leads to some awesome tips as well...AirAnn - luv ya). But my pal is leaving me to travel for the summer and now I am debating what to do. Keep jumping and figuring things out on my own or invest the cash and get a coach for some jumps. I'm in Florida and it is getting H-O-T already....might plan a little trip to Cross Keys and head for cooler skies for a week.....I only have 74 jumps, 16 of them sit attempts so I have plenty to learn and a ways to go but also want to make the most of eacha nd every I need a volunteer - anyone game?

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  17. Just had to share....after 2 weekends, 16 jumps and lots of helpful "tips", I am very happy to say that "I HAVE FOUND THE SIT - I FOUND THE SIT". Not saying I am a pro, but went out solo and stable then a few jumps I picked a heading and held it nice and stable THEN with help from random brave souls willing to jump and watch a newbie - am learning to now play with turns. I was told I am doing really well for being new at it so patience is key...that and lots of jumps. Have not tried any flips and getting back to sit but imagine this weekend will bring that challenge on.....Someone said baby steps. Good advice! This is great fun....who'da thunk it would get any better then just jumping out of the plane.....

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  18. I am a newbie to this sport (1st jump on 34th bday in Jan.). Started trying to sit last week at jump 58 and still smiling! Rook is always around Sebastian, on lots of my loads and an all around great guy....If you can be that good, be that young and still be that humble - he's got my vote. But one GREATEST? Not going there.

    How annoyed would you be if you met some of the "cool kids" who started freeflying yet had NO CLUE? Been there, done that. I now ALWAYS have a camera with me. Everyone in this sport amazes me in one way or another....


    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  19. I can't begin to tell you how amazed I still am at myself that I jump out of planes AND that I am a GIRL who jumps out of planes. Been a bit conservative most of my 34 years of life but musta went thru one of those changes cause I started doing crazy things...crazy FUN things. The smiles are worth it! Having a blast and meeting TONS of great peeps. Plan to do a bit of long weekend traveling this summer and get some other jumps logged in my book aside from Sebastian...hee hee.
    Have had a great friend flying video for me as I learn and in just 10 jumps, I can see the improvement and ALSO how drastically your body position makes things change. I plan to keep it simple until I get comfortable with my own abilities....But sure would like one photo opp to hang on my wall with a "cool kid" to replace those silly harness gripped AFF pics...It's all fun....Off Friday to utilize my "coaching pal" before he heads out for 2 weeks. :( Video is a HUGE plus in this learning process, without a doubt! Blues~

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  20. Thanks for the tips everyone....I made 5 more sit jumps this weekend and was feeling really good about it after figuring out what to wear that worked. Shorts and a bigger top...right on! Granted I was a bit "sitting in the lazyboy" but at least I am getting the feel. 8 sit attempts under my belt now and already feeling it - wait until next weekend. I'm gonna hit it...over and over and over. Can't wait to fly with some of the "cool kids" and get some still shots so I can Upgrade my AFF stills...hee hee

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

  21. Well have made 60 jumps, 5 of which were sit fly attempts and just not getting it. Have a wonderfully patient friend trying to help a newbie but my impatience had to hop on here and see if anyone has any advise/suggestions for a good exit to get this thing started. Tried something he called the train - was not working for me...then we tried a face to face, hooked knee kinda exit which was better but the minute he would let me go I would tumble all over. Guessing my back is the best place to start. Got half day for Secretary's Day and guess where I am heading and would love to hop up there and at least feel a sit....Help gang - impatient yet anxious new skydiver.

    Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...