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Posts posted by shunkka

  1. Hi... i lost my screw from my Manfrotto mount
    i search for 2 weeks and i cant find one. If anyone in this big world can help me with a shop/contact/person who make/sale them i`ll be more than happy

    P.S. i contacted Manfrotto company but the delivery time is 2 MONTH

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  2. hi
    if u want to film in both enviroments a good skydiving helmet will work fine on the slopes too

    if you want protection... than the only solution (i think) is to have a good snowboard helmet with a bullet cam mounted on it
    as other guys already said... skydiving/camera helmets dont offer to much protection

    about the rulez... on my DZ for example... if u have a box u can fly it without camera in... if you hava a L bracket u CANT fly without the camera in

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  3. thanks for the reply
    my question was more about "ethiquete" than legal stuff... with legal stuff is pretty simple... if it`s a public event where is no need for special permison to take pictures i can take and publish...

    it`s about ethiquete... do you guys ask (or inform) the subject before publish?

    thank you

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  4. excelent job.... congrats

    one question for u guys
    i have to ask for permison (of the subject) to publish a photo if it`s not a public event?
    if it`s a public event it`s clear... we dont have to... but if not?
    thank you and congrats for the shot and work again

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  5. from PD blog

    World Cup 07 Results
    Here's the top slots(unofficial). It literally came down to the last round to decide these places.

    1st-Jay Moledsky- Canada

    2nd Jonathan Tagle- USA

    3rd Ian Bobo- USA

    4th Brian McNenny- USA

    5th Isaiah McCauliffe- USA

    6th Shannon Pilcher- USA

    7th Pablo Hernandez- Spain

    congrats to all and speacialy for Pablo (first european in this competition)

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  6. strange question
    as a packer i never packed for free so why should i work for free... BUT as a photographer i never charge for coworkers but if itºs a really good one (maybe can be published in magazines) i give them only a print or a low resolution copy.

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  7. hy
    as i said before from my point of view it NOT REASON to buy anything else than the normak kit (18-55 lens) as a BEGINER..
    the extra money u can spend on a photography course or if you want to jump stills u can spend on a camera flying course
    ofcourse better lens means better quality but in the begining you`ll be more than happy with the kit lens

    if you start to jump it i think (maybe the good aerial photographers here think different) a fixed lens (fast) is the best choice

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  8. i`ll go with 15mm FISHEYE from canon
    if the 10-22(it`s actualy the 10-20 from sigma this one is much heavier (465g and the canon 300) than the one from canon
    the 15 is more than enough for normal tandem shots (even close shots... docked on the pasanger or instructor)

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  9. i had an accident because of alchool...
    i dont drink (in the last 13 years)
    i buy beer for other ppl
    i change the beer with a soda (water) when others pay beer
    skydiving can be mixed with nondrinkers

    "jump, have fun, pull"

  10. sorry... i cant send them in full resolution beacause of some exclusivity rights i gave to some magazines

    now back to the subject
    the origianl kit (18-55 lens) is enough for normal landing pictures
    u have to think the subject will not have a lot of speed (u say it`s not swooping) so u can use the normal sport mode on autofocus till you`ll start to move to tv or manual mode and manual focus...

    "jump, have fun, pull"