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    Wright Brothers Skydiving
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    Freefall Photography

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  1. system of a down- aerials disturbed- the sickness bush- machinehead i don't know, just a couple that i could remember Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  2. that's a good question, i really don't know. i think if i was off on the number it would only be by like 1-2, but it pisses me off that i'll never know the exact number of jumps i have. plus video of my first camera jump was stolen, so i'll never get to make that comparison. Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  3. about a week ago my car was stolen parked in a public parking lot, in it was my freefly suit, pants, altimeter, log book, audible, pro track, and my camera helmet. they stole all my camcorder accessories, but luckily i left my camcorder charging in the hangar. bastards!!! luckily homeowner's insurance is going to cover all my stolen gear, but my car only had liability. what's this world coming to?
  4. The other night i left my car parked in a public parking lot over night and it was stolen. Apparently a set of "shaved" keys was used to steal my ford probe and many others in my surrounding area. all i know is i lost my car, freefly suit, freefly pants, camera helmet, camera accessories, altimeter, and gear bag. Luckily my rig and my camcorder were not in the car, but damn it, all my stuff is gone. All i know is if i see someone with my rims on their car, they're getting a beating!![pirate Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  5. jump number 97... with a nvertigo x helmet, pc9, and metal d box with a hinged door. i've only made 6 camera jumps, but i can't wait for better weather so i can make a shit load more!! i love it!! Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  6. ha ha ha... on my student jumps, while jumping a mighty mac, i thought it would be fun to turn faster so i wrapped my steering lines around my hands like 3 times and cranked down... riser slap and like 3-4 line twists with like 5 jumps. you can bet i didn't do that again for like 1 jump...ha ha ha Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  7. no i'm not saying i want to neglect any discipline, i'm saying that while i'm videoing i don't really care what specific discipline i'm videoing. i'd like to be versatile, now all i need is a thousand jumps!!
  8. to start i want to wear it with my freefly buddies, but in the future i wouldn't mind making it a paying gig. I'm pretty sure at some point i'll be doing some tandem videos, but i'm not going to touch that until i have a couple hundred more jumps. i really just want to get used to having a camera on my head before i worry to much about what discipline i'm videoing Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  9. right on, that's pretty much what i was thinking... but it's good to hear what others have to say. how many camera jumps have you made? Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  10. yeah those kind of guys are weak sauce!! skygods need a reality check! i think there is plenty of room for everyone to skydive... spread the love, not the negativity party in my pants... and you're invited Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  11. How many jumps should someone have before they start flying with a camera on their head? i have a pc9, nvertigo x, and metal d-box, with just under 100 jumps. i want to just get used to it on my head, and play with friends. Not planning tandem video or anything. suggestions? Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  12. nope i've never had a cutaway... i can say i don't want one now, but i don't want to be one of those guys who has 1000 jumps and never cut away. it takes the edge off that way! party in my pants... and you're invited!!! Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  13. yeah i guess you're right... i want to be peter pan forever!!! Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?
  14. Is it just me or is skydiving cool? Growing up around skydiving (my dad is a DZO), i've always had a desire to grow up and become a skydiver. I try to describe to people what i love about the sport but i can never pinpoint one thing. I would say, however, that a huge reason i love the sport so much is the people. i mean skydivers are cool as hell! That's why it makes me so sad to come across posts that do nothing put pick other dropzones appart. In the post concerning the Caravan that made an emergency landing in Creswell, I was at a loss for words. Instead of staying on topic and discussing the incident at hand, a bunch of skydivers from the competing dropzones ragged on wright brothers skydiving. In my opinon there is no need for that. You think you know people! Instead of picking eachother appart we should build eachother up and respect eachother. I'm not a DZO but i know the stresses and responsibility associated with it. Lets show some love for the DZOs of the world, they offer us a place to come together and do what we love. SKYDIVE Do you want some SWEETSAUCE with that?