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Posts posted by monarch135

  1. yeah, and what is it about mountain dew and there skysurfing commercials, deaths, sketchy mals, cypress fires, sigh! karma?!
    "its been to long my spirits been at war... the sun upon my face...":):(

  2. there is a skysurfing commercial with troy hartman. anybody know how to find it without signing up for real time? anybody have a copy? Im not sure if it even played in the states?

    "what did you expect to find was it something you left behind dont fall away...":):(:PB|:$:):S>:(:o:D[:/]:|:ph34r:B|


  3. Im in a funk lately, life sucks milk, and i cant seem to smile no job no life, no sky no jet fuel...!
    "what did you expect to find was it something you left behind do you remember everything i said dont fall away....":):(:PB|:$:):S>:(:o:D[:/]:|:ph34r:B|