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Posts posted by monarch135

  1. I would give anything to be in Australia! I have some family there the thing is they wouldnt let me skydive if i went. you think my fluorescent orange reflex could pass as a backpack?!... fired a year ago, i dont have any friends at my dropzone, life sucks i swear if i didnt have a cat! ...wait this isnt about me what a wanker!... ok so my feelings for you, just keep smiling! Everything happens for a reason, there is such a thing as karma, and dream about skydiving.
    "and im looking to the sky to save me...":):(:PB|:$:):S>:(:o:D[:/]:|:ph34r:B|

  2. If you were to start a nightclub, what would it be called?, where would it be? atmosphere? "what did you expect to find was it something you left behind dont fall away."
    ok so there is kind of a similar thread at the same time.sigh!
