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Everything posted by phil6086

  1. while jumping at x-keys today second jump of the day jump # 58 I experienced a spining mal that resulted in being cut away and under reserve between 1200 and 1600'. exit altitude was 13500. Solo sit fly couldn't get stable had flipped to belly by 8500 hung out until 3500 deployed and opened by 2900. noticed a 3 line twist been here before with even worst twist got out of a 6 line twist few months back so no biggy. reched risers started to bicycle at first seemed to undue then more twists appeared. Risers started becoming to tight around helmet and then the main dove hard to the right decided not recoverable could not see handles due to risers tightening around helmet. Felt cutaway handle while same time locating reserve handle tried single handle cutaway forgot to peel and pull so two hands on cutaway and got it cutaway found reserve handle and rsl deployed reserve without pulling handle. Opened between 1200 and 1600 landed standing up which suprised me. Possible premature brake release. find out maybe when main and free bag our taken out of trees
  2. I Have 33 jumps and a brand new rig. The jump was yesterday Sunday 29th. I weigh 209 out the door in gear and the chute is a 190 zero p SR-71. The slider that was sent with it was a dome slider that wouldn't come down unless I pulled alot on toggles. Was sent new slider smaller and not domed and it came down fine a little slow at first buthalf way down it slid fast. I am practicing the canopy book from sky dive Univ. and when I came on my final I was told I didn't flare high enough and landed hard spraining my knee. My quetsion is I was looking straight down when I landed insted of looking at an angle down, my normal flare has been okay but I don't think on those jumps I was looking down. Can someone please advise I was thinking about going on radio after my leg heals so I don't make another mistake like that or worse. ? Where is your best depth perception come from when landing. Thanx Dave
  3. I Have 33 jumps and a brand new rig. The jump was yesterday Sunday 29th. I weigh 209 out the door in gear and the chute is a 190 zero p SR-71. The slider that was sent with it was a dome slider that wouldn't come down unless I pulled alot on toggles. Was sent new slider smaller and not domed and it came down fine a little slow at first buthalf way down it slid fast. I am practicing the canopy book from sky dive Univ. and when came on my final I was told I didn't flare high enough and landed hard spraining my knee. My quetsion is I was looking straight down when I landed insted of looking at an angle down my normal flare has been okay but I don't think on those jumps I was looking down. Can someone please advise I was thinking about going on radio after my leg heals so I don't make another mistake like that or worse. ? Where is your best depth perception come from when landing. Thanx Dave
  4. Merry X-MAS to all the happy Jumpers in the world. Thankyou for giving this Man new direction in life by giving me the thrill of Skydiving. I have 32 Jumps and a brand new Dolphin to try in the new year.
  5. I went to jump at x-keys saturday to test a new slider on my new rig it's a zero p 190' Sr-71. I got my ticket and was called back to manifest after 20 minutes due to the winds at altitude. They were 60 mph. Ground winds were 15 to 20. I didn't argue with the staff just realized they new better. Good possibility of landing off that day thank god for good staff. I landed in a tree on my 14th or 15th jump broke my tail bone on 16th jump not flareing in time for ground conditions so I listen now and try to learn with an open mind i have 32 jumps now and I'm not in as big a hurry since I want to jump for the rest of my life than to risk it any more. Quote[