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Posts posted by PeteW

  1. I met this girl at work and when she found out I had a bike she insisted that I take her out. Our second date she was going bungee jumping and asked if I would go with her. After that we were both nuts over each other. A month later I took her skydiving for her Birthday> She did 14 last year and can't wait to do more. We enjoyed a summer of skydiving, rafting, quading, camping and whatever else we could fit in. She moved in after onyl a few months!

    Just do whatever comes natural.

  2. We have had abused dogs in the past and she shows no signs of abuse. She isn't timid or anything. But I hate animal abusers too. Every animal we have had is spoiled beyond belief.

    Ok we will start attempting the pee capture today!! Thanks everyone for your advice.

    Oh ya she is just as cute as she looks too. Makes us laugh everyday.

  3. Me and my Girlfriend got Shelby and two year old Rotty Shepard cross about two months ago from a foster home. She was unwanted and I think even returned twice. When we got her she knew nothing and had no manners. But after even a week she was learning the rules of the house. It is not hard to train her, she is a very smart dog. Sometimes stubborn but willing to please. She is house trained for the most part but we find these spots of pee. She does it when she is lying down or sleeping. Sometimes its small amount other times its a full bladder worth. She asks to go outside and we walk her often. My gf asked the vet and they said get us a urine sample. I am not sure if its a bladder infection or some other kind of problem. Its not lack of attention because we spend a lot of time with her. Any advice is appreciated.

  4. On jump 12 I was doing a 5sec delay. I panicked pulled wrapped the pc around my arm. I tried pointing to clear it and flipped on my back and got the bridle wrapped around my chest. I pulled the reserve. During the opening I found the main pc and shoved it in the harness. The reserve was a round and the landing hurt pretty bad.

    Jump 23 was my stall for my solo. I wrapped the brake lines once or twice. Pulled the brakes down, felt myself start to fall. Watched the canopy kinda go into a funny shape. I was ok with all of this then my brain farted and I let the brakes up all the way. FAST! I went into three right turns. On the third it cleared up and threw me into a half line twist. Scared the crap outta me.

  5. Thanks for all your advice guys!!

    Yeah she is was a rescue dog. She was in the pound for awhile then with a foster family for a few weeks. Now she is with me and my GF and she is soaking up the love. She is an absolute sweetie. The only problem is house training her other than that she is perfect.


  6. Hey me and my gf just got a 2yr old Sherpard, Rotty Husky mutt. She is a great dog learns real quick but she has had a few accidents in the house in the last week. We walk her lots and let her out anytime but still have problems. Any advice is appreciated thanks.

  7. Ever since I started skydiving or anything with a risk I get the shakes. Even after 22 jumps I still get the shakes on the ground. It seems my hands shake a little more when the jump was freakin good!! My JM told me its just adrenaline. Some people get em and some don't. Anybody else get em??

  8. A few years ago I got tired of the Xmas hustle. Spending all your money, shopping all of it is not what Xmas is about. I told the whole family I don't want anything for Xmas and I don't want to get anyone anything except for the kids in the family. Imo the holiday should be used to spend time with family not blow all your cash on useless gifts.

    The other thing was the women hated doing dinner. But us guys did not want to cook turkey and crap. So we have steaks, potatoes salads ect. I hate the fact the Xmas is reduced to a hallmark holiday. Its all commercial. Thats my opinon.

  9. Yup put our old dog down last November. Me and my old man balled out eyes out in front of the vets. He was 13, but we got him at around three. He was badly abused, timid and scared of everything. It took years to get him normal. My other dog is 12 now. Its hard to lose a pooch, takes time.