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Posts posted by jessd

  1. I'm a Sox fan. Hopefully they can pull off a win tonight!!! That would make for a real interesting game tomorrow night.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  2. My first jump was August of 2002. Between that time and now I have a total of 3 tandems, and passed the first three levels of AFF. I have not jumped since April due to fear and lately lack of money. I really want to get up there and jump- I miss that feeling so much. The problem is that I am a little nervous about picking up with AFF again to begin with. I have a gift certificate that can be used at Skydive New England (not my home DZ). But, I would only have to pay a little bit of money in addition to the gift to do a tandem. So, I booked a tandem for next Monday (the 20th). Who here has done a tandem after completing AFF levels and what did you think about it. I am excited to get jump but feel a little weird that it will be a tandem.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  3. I don't have a picture of mine to post - but my chair at work is the same as yours. Very comfy.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  4. Yeah I was watching the game. The objective fan was hilarious. Might have been one of the stupidest people I have heard talk in a long time.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  5. CINDERELLA wants to go to the ball, but her wicked stepmother won't let her. As Cinderella sits crying in the garden, her fairy godmother appears, and promised to provide Cinderella with everything she needs to go to the ball, but only on two conditions. "First, you must wear a diaphragm." Cinderella agrees. "What's the second condition?" "You must be home by 2:00 a.m. Any later, and your diaphragm will turn into a pumpkin." Cinderella agrees to be home by 2:00 a.m. The appointed hour comes and goes and Cinderella doesn't show up. Finally, at 5:00 a.m. Cinderella shows up looking love struck and very satisfied. "Where have you been?" demands the Fairy Godmother. "Your diaphragm was supposed to turn into a pumpkin three hours ago!!!" " I met a prince, Fairy Godmother. He took care of everything." The Fairy Godmother stated, "I know of no prince with that kind of power! Tell me his name!" Cinderella replied, I can't remember, exactly, .. Peter, Peter, something or other..."


    PINOCCHIO had a human girlfriend who would sometimes complain about splinters when they were having sex. Pinocchio, therefore, went to visit Gepetto to see if he could help. Gepetto suggested he try a little sandpaper wherever indicated and Pinocchio skipped away enlightened.
    A couple weeks later, Gepetto saw Pinocchio bouncing happily through town and asked him, "How's the girlfriend?" Pinocchio replied, "Who needs a girlfriend?"


    LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD was walking through the woods when suddenly the Big Bad Wolf jumped out from behind a tree and, holding a sword to her throat, said, "Red, I'm going to screw your brains out!" To that, Little Red Riding Hood calmly reached into her picnic basket and pulled out a .44 magnum and pointed it at him and said, "No, you're not. You're going to eat me, just like it says in the book."


    MICKEY MOUSE and MINNIE MOUSE were in divorce court and the judge said to Mickey, "You say here that your wife is crazy." Mickey replied, "I didn't say
    she was crazy, I said she's f**king Goofy."


    SNOW WHITE saw Pinocchio walking through the woods so she ran up behind him, knocked him flat on his back, and then sat on his face crying, "Lie to me! Lie to me!"


    One day, JANE met TARZAN in the jungle. She was very attracted to him and during her questions about his life she asked him how he engaged to have sex "What's that?" he asked. She explained to him what sex was and he said, "Oh, I use a hole in the trunk of a tree." Horrified, she said, " Tarzan, you have it all wrong but I will show you how to do it properly." She took off her clothes, lay down on the ground and spread her legs. "Here" she said, "you must put it in here." Tarzan removed his loincloth, stepped closer and then gave her an almighty kick in the crotch. Jane rolled around in agony. Eventually she managed to gasp, "What the hell did you do that for?" "I was checking for bees," said Tarzan.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  6. Quote

    I'm doing my training in lincoln, RI at SDNE - are you close? If you plan on signing up soon also then maybe we'd get in the same class?

    SDNE in Lincoln is only about 20 minutes from my house. I already took the AFF class and passed the first three jump levels. I stopped after that because of my nerves and lack of money. I am hoping to do another jump this season - if not I will do AFF next year instead. I plan on continuing at Jumptown in Orange though. I really like the overall atmosphere up there and I have met some awesome people. Good luck with your training though!!!

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  7. Quote

    It really sucks for the poor tandem master who has to land and do five more tandems after a 20 minute canopy ride flying a truck without any power steering

    I'm sure it did suck for the TM - but he was cool about it. My friend felt so bad and was a little embaressed too I think.

    AirMail - her mom and brother loved it!!! They will definitly go again - maybe even for AFF they said. It was pretty cool. We watched her mom's video afterward and she was having the time of her life - blowing kisses at the videographer and everything. I was far too frightened on my first tandem to do anything but look like I was going to throw up.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  8. It wasn't the place she didn't like - she just didn't enjoy the jump as much as she thought that she would. In fact - I was surprised thats she even went. She used to tell me that I was crazy because I had gone. When do you plan to start AFF?

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  9. One of my friends made her first jump today - a tandem at Pepperal in MA. I went up there to meet her, her mom, and brother who were all making a jump. It was so exciting to see how anxious they all were. My friend got a little freaked out after the exit and when the instructor gave her the okay to put her arms out - she pulled the ripcord - at 9K. So, she didn't get much of a freefall and actually hated the experience, but is glad she tried it. But, after being up there and watching everyone jump I may just be ready to get back in the air and finish AFF - after I get enough money of course.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  10. Quote

    I can't click on that photoshop one again, really. I'll die laughing, I just know it.

    Same here. But, it was some good entertainment while home sick from work. But, I will feel so mean if I laugh at it again. :D

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  11. Quote

    I'm not proud. I didn't have it, but was able to find it easily.

    Thanks for finding/posting that. Now I feel even worse for laughing at that.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  12. I hear you there Chris. When I had my surgery last fall I could not believe how much everything cost - nearly $25,000 for all the tests, procedures, and hospital stay. I had a hard time just paying my deducatables.

    How are you feeling now?

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  13. I can't pick just one day or event that I would like to relive - there are a few I can think of off the top of my head though. My first kiss, the day I graduated from grad school, my first tandem, my first AFF jump, the last day I saw my grandmother before she passed away, and the entire week after the 4th of July this past summer.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  14. Mine was when I was in a lot of the ads for my college. I was in the newspaper, pamphlets, on the buses and trains in the city, a huge poster at the Tweeter and Fleet centers. It was pretty funny and created a lot of laughs when out with friends.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  15. I did two of my tandems out of a 182. I was so scared of that little plane. I did not like it at all. I was glad that the dz I went to for AFF had something bigger.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

  16. I usually got the extra money in a check a few weeks into the semester. Sometimes, I got this even when I had to take loans out to help pay for books and parking. PM me if you have any other questions about Financial Aid - I went for 6 yrs and know more than I probably want to about all of that.

    "Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."