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Everything posted by Kanienkeha4

  1. If you make it to the south of France, Paraclub Aix (sounds kind of like 'axe' in English) is a great group of people! Most people I met had a basic understanding of English, and my French is rusty, so I had a little bit of a difficult time, but it was great nonetheless. Google can help you translate their website, and they update their facebook pretty regularly for info. https://www.paraclubaix.com/index.php https://www.facebook.com/ParachuteClubDAixEnProvence/
  2. Is that what you'd call it?? Anyway, I finished jump 7 for AFF last weekend and I think I caught the bug! Can't wait to get back up! Now I have one question: During my first solo jump (which I understand I owe beer for?) I landed wayy off the DZ. What do you all recommend I owe my two buddies who came to bail my @$$ out? Do I owe anything to the other DZ owner who also came out? Thanks in advance