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  1. Overall just an awesome experience, my friends and I all had an amazing time and were really impressed with the facility. what really made this experience even better for me was my tandem instructor Larry Compton he had back to back jumps and was basically running to get everything ready after his first, despite that he was still very organized and had me dressed out and ready to go before he started the double. After he got back even though we were running to catch the plane he still managed to break out the tiny go pro on his wrist do an in flight interview and catch some cool shots of the plane and it taking off. His enthusiasm about it and fun attitude went above and beyond what I thought was going to happen, especially since since all I did was buy the smallest camera package, but Larry made it much more than that by not only just shooting the dive like the description of the package said it would, but shooting random quick takes before and after the jump that made it a lot more personnel especially with the short amount of time he had.