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Posts posted by NowAndLater

  1. I love it, local communities standing together, united, expressing extreme distress and grave concern over local government agent policy enforcers carrying deadly weapons. As it should.
    I wonder what they would think of this:
    Or this:
    Or this:

    Haha. Imagine getting a knock on your door by one of the three policy enforcers in your town to ask you a question looking like that.
    Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.

  2. funjumper101

    What a nice group of people there are posting in this thread. Their compassion and empathy sets an great example, and makes clear what wonderful people Americans are. The beautiful display of Christian beliefs by Ron is especially impressive.

    It makes be real proud of my fellow citizens. Their generosity and hospitality towards people fleeing horrible living situations in their home countries shows just how great American people are.

    Amazing, isn't it?

    This is a great post. A wonderful attempt to remind Americans that this is still the land of the free.

    Have any of you ever read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? You should, because before you are stamped a citizen you are a human and still guaranteed the freedoms set forth therein.

    Let us Americans not forget that the entire North American continent is a Commonwealth territory. By law, all countries (corporations) conducting commerce over said territories are obligated to recognize common law. Common law clearly states that without consent, whether expressed or implied, less an injured party, a crime cannot exist. Unless they have hurt someone or stolen from a human being its very clear that the humans are not in violation of the law of the land.

    Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.

    Put yourselves in their position. Imagine being so hungry you can't eat because your children are hungrier. Imagine being the mother and having to go through rape after rape and assault after assault because there is no safe haven. Imagine knowing your daughter is coming to an age that makes her "prime picking" to the vast amount of human traffickers along the imaginary line most call a border. Last but not least, imagine there is no countries. Its easy if you try ;)

    Those who are against the ways of the Constitution of the American Republic can always leave if you so wish. Just remember it was built on freedom and all men are created free and equal (this is not specific to citizenship or nationality but to all humans in the territorial landmass of the American Republic).

    One more thing, to go against the Constitution is treason and punishable up to and including death.
    Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.

  3. Hello, this review is only after one year and 300 jumps based on quality, comfort, and price. I see you've already made your decisions, congratulations on your first new rig!

    With only 20 jumps on a custom built Curv for my size, I will say the comfort is incomparable. On the flip side, because there always is one, even with .mil discounts offered by both companies, the price is also incomparable. As the saying goes with everything else in the world, you get what you pay for.

    If it were me, re purchasing my first rig, I would figure out what I'm using it for. Fun jumping or to rely on to make a living? For the fun jumper who takes advantage of only a few lifts a month, the Wings is great, will probably make you a happy fellow, and save you hundreds of doll hairs. For someone who has to wear it 10 jumps a day, not so much! I really can't get away from the discomfort after anything abnormal (as noted, 10+ jumps a day, high pulls, crw work, etc.)

    The only wear you can see on my Wings after 300 jumps is the straps. Both legs and chest have begun to fray and will probably need to be replaced before 1k jumps (my own speculation as I haven't had a new rig for that amount of time yet).

    From multiple (10+) riggers' standpoints, the Wings is a pain in the as s to pack aesthetically pleasing and the Curv is simple. I'm not a rigger but was explained a little in "rigger terminology" about the Wings reserve tray having a couple inches of unnecessary seam rendering it extremely difficult to square up the reserve canopy making the reserve tray infested with wrinkles. Granted, YES, ANY rigger that spends enough time on it can make it wrinkle free, however, good luck finding that rigger that will guarantee no wrinkles.

    Meh.. It's not much but I hope it helps someone debating on purchasing a rig later. I'm working on a much more detailed review of each and every piece of equipment I've bought since I started including alti's (neptune, viso), helmets (bonehead and cookie), ditters (optima 2 with the Hypoxic LED and neptune), and canopies (PD Storm, Falcon, PD Sabre2, PD Sabre1, PD Spectre, and soon to be an Icarus Omni).

    Have a peaceful day all.
    Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.

  4. Tandem was a gift.

    The tandem instructor told me I could do it by myself at about 8k and I wanted to jump out right there just to get down and sign up before the other 3 did (my brothers).

    I had no idea it was a sport, people competed, there was more to it than tandem ops, and especially, that any one society could consume so much alcohol.
    Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.

  5. Wasn't sure what I was thinking with this account but I've had it a while and recently decided to utilize the tool and start picking brains. :)

    So, what better FIRST to do than introduce myself. Hi.

    A couple regulars amongst the group I think I might know in person. I've been at SDAZ for about 6 months now and have met some incredible leaders in this sport with some impeccable talent.

    I started a year-and-some-change ago and have since gotten a USPA Coach rating, 300+ jumps, about 10 hours in the tunnel, and I've even been declared a mother flocker!

    Most of my jumps are in SDAZ, and next being Perris. Talk about some great people, great skill, great adrenaline, great challenge, times, beer, competitions, brags, , , ,,,,,,,,,,........

    I've learned a lot of things. What stands out so far is in this sport, unlike most others, is being 'good' doesn't describe skill. The difference between a good skydiver and a bad one is not skill but the ability to learn from others experiences. Typically, when situations go awry, it's fortunate to hear about only an injury. In other words, unfortunately, more often than not, when an accident occurs it's a fatal one (albeit pilot error) and therefore too late for the person to learn from a mistake someone else made. Be a sponge, but be a liver-like sponge. Keep the good while disposing of the bad and please don't forget to dispose of the bad!

    Anywho, I could probably go on forever with safety speeches. Fortunately, I've had some of the best S&TA mentors around (Bryan Burke and his team) and I've soaked in a LOT.

    Hope to meet all of you someday and learn from all your experiences. I bop around here every couple days now, browsing around the employment section ( eh, eh, eh ;) )

    Blue Skies all.
    Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.