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  1. What are you guys talking about. There is so much construction on the roads and bridges now a days it is becoming a pain in the a** to drive anywhere (that and the traffic).
  2. Welcome to the DZ (.com that is) I agree the way to go is tandem. I am from Portland and started skydiving (tandem) at Skydive Oregon (SDO) in the beginning of August. If you get a chance come on down. Everyone there is friendly and damn cool to hang-out with. And if you decided to jump, you'll definitely see Oregon in a whole new light. . The tandem progression is a great way to learn but either way you will have a good time. Have fun and let me know if I can help anymore. TD
  3. Well, seeing as there is a new forum dedicated to such an event I might as well chime in with my 2 cents and say "Hey y'all". I am new to posting here but I have been lurking around for awhile now. So far I have noticed a large amount of "boobie" and "beer" threads, which will receive no complaints from me. And much like the other forums I visit, people here seem to be at their lowest, literally/figuratively/whatever, when the weather turns to crap. Now with that said... I started skydiving this summer in Oregon and now the weather has turned and I am just a bitter person stuck on the ground praying for at least some hop-n-pops. So chances are you may hear a bit more from em. Nice ta meet'cha. TD