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Everything posted by deviant

  1. i jump crw kits fitted with cypres but always have them turned off. also people are jumping smaller n smaller crw canopies now , also doing stuff on extreme canopies. with this in mind firing speeds will be exceeded very soon. Cypres have stated that they will not fire but they operate on speed/altitude relation ship and cannot tell if you have a full canopy out or not. also all students at my jump home are banned from spiraling they canopies at or around the firing hight for the very same reason. make your own choice but dont jump with me! pull high fly low
  2. dont know wot you mean about sunday night, but if you mean monday morning WOW!!!. n its only rape if you didnt really want it.
  3. just jumped at the world cup and got the chance to get some coaching of the french. they fly on brakes most of the time to help slow the stack and give it some lift makes the rotor much quicker and easier on the arms. also if coming in to hot a couple of quick stabs on your brakes will kill off some forward speed pull hi fly low
  4. hi everyone, i am looking for some like minded cf jumpers to jump with in the uk, new or low experienced people who may be interestred in some competition work doing some eight way sequential work. big scarey stuff when it goes wrong but xcellent when going right. Anyone who fancies the challenge knows how to contact me Dump high, fly low!!!!