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Posts posted by Squeak

  1. hcsvader

    I find that I am slowing down a fair bit with my jumping the past couple years, although I have no intentions of quitting I'm comfortable with the thought that in the next 5-10 years I may not be an active jumper.

    I think a lot of people who have been in the sport for a few years say that skydiving is more of a lifestyle than a hobby and a couple years ago i would have totally agreed, after spending some times doing things other than skydiving I thinks its really just a fun hobby that suits my lifestyle.

    I thinks its very possible that in the future instead of living in tents and spending all my money on skydiving I could be living in a tent and spending all my money on some new hobby that has taken priority in my life.

    To become a skydiver and stay active takes a huge amount of personal and financial commitment. We have all worked hard to make it a part of our life and who we are so the thought of quitting can be a tough one, or maybe not. We've all seen the first jump student who shows up to the DZ with a motorcycle only to have it up for sale a few months later.

    If the day comes where the idea of selling my gear because it will pay for X number of Y, is a good idea, then I cant wait. It means I've found something that I'm more excited and passionate about than skydiving. Imagine that :)
    For now, Im off to cash converters to pawn off my laptop, hitch a ride to the dz, hopefully get some packing or video work so I can pay for a few more jumps B|

    For me its a fun hobby that I spend a lot of money on. To some it may seem like a don't do much else. But over the last 11 years I have had time off here and there to do other things. In 09 I didnt jump all year due to travelling and this year I'm doing the same thing. I wont ne back with my rig until about November. I did however crank out about 120 jumps in the first 2 months.
    I dont miss jumping all that much when I'm away from it. But I do miss some of the people and miss not being at some of the events that occur in my absence.
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  2. regulator

    ***Good, its about time.

    I've always called riders who choose not to wear helmets dumbasses, but in the land of the FREE, they should choose whats right for THEMSELVES. That's the thing about freedom. But you can go right ahead and let everyone else choose whats best for you, and soon enough you'll be wearing depends waiting for the gubment worker to come change them out. Seriously are all australians raging vaginas or do any of you actually have a pair?
    35 years riding experience here.
    You DON'T have the right to smear your face all over the public roads, nor do you have the right to traumatise, LEOs or EMTs with your open cramium splilled over the pavment, All because YOU think you live in a fantasy land called "the home of the free".
    These sorts of law are not to protectl you theyre to protect decent folk from the likes of idiots who think its cool to run about in traffic lid free
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  3. SethInMI

    I'm 42, so I can't answer your poll, but I like some of it.

    45 is probably about the cutoff for having grown up with rap; I remember watching Beat Street in middle school, and NWA was big when I was in high school, and The Chronic came out when I was in college. So I think you are right, under 45, it probably is a personal preference, not an age thing.

    My feelings toward rap have been the same ever since I first heard it. I love the inventive wordplay, intense emotions, and inventive mixing and sampling. I don't like the repetitive themes though. (Money hoes and clothes all a brother knows...)

    Im over 50 and I like a lot of Rap. I loved the early old school stuff. Sugar hill mob, public enemy, Run DMC Beasties etc...
    But I have always had an eclectic taste in music.
    From classical to hardcore punk.
    Some stuff floats my boat and some stuff doesn't.
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
    My Life ROCKS!
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  4. ianyapxw

    What are the rules for USPA?

    As an APF student I've been through clouds 3 times. Not the super thick kind though.

    as a student, youre not supposed to go through clouds at all
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  5. k_marr08

    Or math calculations?? He thinks wind speed MUST affect descent rate because it's energy acting upon mass.

    he's r7ght it is energy acting on a mass.
    Buts it's acting front to back (or vice versa)
    Ts not acting from below (unless it's an up draft)
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  6. Amazon

    ***Great tips!

    Nick has already secured a bed, and the place did get good reviews. He had to pay $1700 for a bed for 2 weeks. :S I've been passing along the advice you all have given and he really appreciates it. I don't think he thought of needing to shower with his passport.

    He joked that he'll just find a local girl to visit. I told him there are plenty of easy girls in America he can sleep with back here, he doesn't need to be disappearing in Brazil when there is no one there to wonder where he went, right? Am I right or am I just being a mom again?

    Do not give him a copy of Touristas... before he goes:)make him m watch the movie Hostel, and watch it with Andrea:ph34r:
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  7. My whole life is a good news story :)It's Good to be me:B|;)B|

    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  8. JBR

    Ok, I can see why people get upset when this thread pops up after being quiet and there being no boobies. I would get mine out but the flash on my camera is broken.

    Turn on the bloody lights;):ph34r::D
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  9. potatoman

    I can write a book, but here my tips.

    Take clothing that can be washed and dried without ironing.
    Don't take your flashy bling bling clothing. It will get stolen.
    Passport, cash, credit card, to be kept on the person at ALL times. They have stolen stuff off me while I was sleeping.
    Take sanitary goods with, and towel.
    NO ipad or laptop. Take that crappy old brick phone, or keep it with your passport.
    Remember passport number, and certain phone numbers, you might need it.
    Some hostels asks for your passport while you stay there. DONT. Pay upfront, and that is that. I had a passport stolen 4days before my return home flight. Life ain't easy then, and it was supposed to be kept by the hostel in their safe.

    The plus side - Young people with normally an active vibe. Great chicks (what happens in Vegas...)
    Local streetsavvy - People in the hostels normally have an idea of how to get about, where to go, what to do, where to change cash, cheaper meals, parties etc.

    And a good tip I got when in Tobasco Hostel in Jerusalem: Don't fuck with the Hungarian dude with the purple punk.

    Dude join the 21st century ;)
    I'm sitting in my hostel room in Guatemala, posting this from my Samsung galaxy Note 10, tethered to my smart phone.:ph34r:
    I have previosly travelled all over the world, and am currently travelling Central and South America, and then Spain. I only ever stay in hostels.
    Use common sense, vett your accommodations, and dont fuck with purple haired hungarians.
    You CAN travel with modern conveniences just be sensible.
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
    My Life ROCKS!
    How's yours doing?

  10. oldwomanc6

    ******Am I the only one who thinks that this is ever so slightly creepy? [:/]

    It may just be something as innocuous as 2 brothers doing an Undies hundies jump. Or a myriad of other reasons
    Or it maybe 2 guys who look like each other, what ever it is, why does anyome who doesn't know them give a shit:S:S

    Obviously, lots of people do, or no one would compile the photos, and no on would look at them, for whatever reasons. :D
    The question was Why?:S
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  11. Im currently staying in hostels in central America, and will be in south America soon including Brazil. I always stay in hostels
    Some are better than others so look on trip advisor and Thorntree (lonely palnet)

    Have a padlock for your luggage and a spare for the hostel lockers.
    Litterally MILLIONS of people stay in hostels daily, many many of them in the very early 20s and late teens.
    He'll be fine as long as he's not a dick, and he has a modicum of common sense
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
    My Life ROCKS!
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  12. oldwomanc6

    Am I the only one who thinks that this is ever so slightly creepy? [:/]

    It may just be something as innocuous as 2 brothers doing an Undies hundies jump. Or a myriad of other reasons
    Or it maybe 2 guys who look like each other, what ever it is, why does anyome who doesn't know them give a shit:S:S
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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  13. LuckyMcSwervy

    *********I bought a lottery ticket [:/]

    Be careful what you wish for.

    it's difficult to imagine things becoming worse because of a substantial enhancement to my finances.

    Don't forget there's sometimes a side to people that's very, very ugly when someone they know comes into a lot of money for one reason or another. Be prepared to lose family members, friends and other relationships due to MONEY. Be prepared for people claiming to be relatives to come out of the woodwork as well. Be prepared to question the motives of others. Do they like me because I'm a nice person or do they like me because what they THINK is in my bank account?
    Some probably just like you because you're a curvy chick with big tits:)
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
    My Life ROCKS!
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  14. LuckyMcSwervy

    You get to close up your house, lawn gets cut and watered, mail forwarded, nothing could go wrong at home so there's no excuse to keep you there all summer. You've been given May-September off from your job (paid vacation), so you can't use work as an excuse.

    All you have to do is pick a town and find a great place to live like a local for a while.

    Where are you going?? B|

    imdoing it now:PB|
    Chillin like a MoFo on Caye Caulker swimming in the Caribbean monB|B|:D

    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
    My Life ROCKS!
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  15. TriGirl

    DAMN!!! Still pissed I had to miss that.

    Oh, and "pics, or it didn't happen!" ;)

    That's my way of asking whether anyone would be so kind as to share some? :)

    Check Facebook, you silly person...

    I don't believe she has a facebook account.yes she does. No, I don't!I thought the reference was to ladyskydiver.
    I know you dont, but you could use someone else's to view the pics
    You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
    My Life ROCKS!
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