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Everything posted by kimistafford

  1. My jumping partner, Gila, made the experience comfortable and relaxing for me. I wasn't nervous or scared at all. Usually I'll freak out, but I was feeling like "Damn it I wanna jump already! haha". Nothing beats that feeling that I got in the plane and during the free fall, and the landing. It's difficult to describe, but it's something I'll remember for the rest of my life. I reccommend jumping with Start Sky Diving. Gila talked me through every step. He asked if I remembered everything he told me and that I didn't have to lie, but I took every word to memory. He made me laugh, even if he might not had heard me because it was so loud in the plane, but it's easy to make me laugh. I love to giggle. I was so relaxed, that I got to enjoy my fall rather than freak out. I was the first to jump out. I wish I remembered the name of my photographer, but he was amazing! Super nice. I hope to do it again in my life time. Every one thinks I'm so brave. To me, it felt like going for a ride. I'm a thrill seeker. I had faith and trust in Gila when it came to my safety. The team was amusing and sweet. My friends had a good time, and I still can not shut up about that wonderful day!