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Dropzone Reviews posted by SecondRound

  1. Deland does not seem to get a lot of love in the skydiving community. My experience was one of a place where I could improve my knowledge and skills by training with top notch professionals as well as met some of the people responsible for making the gear I depend on. Even with less than ideal weather-3 0f 6 days were jumpable, I found the trip to be a fantastic learning opportunity and I am already developing an agenda for my next trip. Thanks DeLand, Flight-1, and Skydive U.

  2. I can't say enough good things about this DZ. The instructors have an incredible amount of experience and a passion for teaching. It is primarily a tandem and Static line program, but there are AFF qualified Instuctors. There are 3 C182s on site and loads get moved along quickly. The facilities are comfy and friendly with camping and showers and a kitchen.

  3. Found the DZ to be too busy to have much of a personality. They have a lot of aircraft and great facilities, but there is not much sense of welcome and the staff sometimes comes off like the Skygods of earlier times. It is probably a great place if you are a student or the member of a high profile team. Not so great if you are a fun jumper looking to make a few jumps. I will probably not return since there are other choices, but I would not hesitate to participate in an organized camp or activity.