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Everything posted by Mia_Geee

  1. oh my, this conversation is winding up like crazy... I do appreciate the enthusiasm, really. well she did tell me on the phone that there are only 2 cameramen and it wouldn't have worked out or would ve taken a lot of time All the instructors were amazing indeed (and Ryan I think I jumped last time with u), I wouldn't care talking to her again to book just because you guys care so much... but at this point we booked with the others already but maybe we ll come back in Spring for the AFF training ;)
  2. Thanks for taking time and replying with apologies, we did enjoy the first jump and the instructors were fun. Its a great place indeed I can't promise we'll come back to big sky as we've been looking into other options since then. We ll chat and maybe give you a call much love, Mia
  3. I feel like I have to join in since I was the one talking to her OK, I do have an accent (not a heavy one). But I definitely dont have language barrier. And its not only about the snappy comment, that woman spent less than 3 minutes talking to me with no hint of interest even though i DID mention that I was trying to book for at least 10 of us and I did mention that we had been there before. Its just weird that I was treated like that, thats all P.S. thanks Alex for going through all this trouble :P