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Everything posted by mandr4ke

  1. Ahh don't worry dear.. i feel the same as you.. althouh i don't think it matter skydiver or not.. just people in general it's a hard think to keep a good relationship.. espically when there 1 sided.. I just started Skydiving, and can't wait to do more.. i think it helps to take my mind off of it all.. espically when your in the plain looking out ready to go.. hehe
  2. big difference between flying in an airplane and freefalling down for 2 miles at 120+ mph....your ears sometimes can't keep up especialy if you are sick with a head cold or sinus's are blocked up. this is why we never recomend anyone jump if they've had a cold recently. you do NOT want a blown out ear drum. ask my GF about that one....
  3. LOL! Nope, he ain't the real bytch... that would be me Welcome to the sky Mike! Thanks, Happy to be up there =) And can't wait to get back!! Feeling much better so now it's time to sign up for AFP.. =) Hmm for AFP, do you usualy rent the gear while you take the classes? Still not sure how all of that works...
  4. Thanks for the Info.. I'll defently make sure i'm good to go before i do anything. I'm not on any medications, although last week i was a little congested it did pass this week and i was feeling great for the jump.. I'll defently see a doctor if it doesn't feel better, and for the mean time i do have some decongestets. But i've also floan on many air planes over the years with no problems.. so i'm hoping it just a small getting useta something new.. But i'll keep open mind and make sure everything is good..
  5. Thanks man, I hope for a quick fix soon aswell.. although i do ahve a history if Ear Infections.. My ear isn't close to a Blown, or Infected ear.. just a bit of throbing.. casuing a headach.. doh.. wonder if theres anything i can do before a jump to help.. Yeah i'm still looking into all the costs and stuff.. Renting.. getting my own gear.. Classes.. Wow so much stuff to check out and look over after a Tandem.. I just want to flyyyyyyyy.. heheh =) But Safety First..
  6. Hey all, just wanted to say i finally got over to SDC and had an awesome time doing my First Two Tandem's today.. And was actaully going to do a 3rd one too.. hehe Thanks to both Charles and Wade.. the Tandem Masters.. I feel bad though.. I had a cooler full of heineken in my Trunk and was planning to Stay for the Bonfire.. but after that 2nd tandem my left ear started bothering me alot from the air pressure, and i just got over a sinus cold.. And thought everything was normal.. i had a really killer headach that wouldn't go away after 3 hours.. and it was still pretty early.. i feel much up to sitting around another several hours in pain.. But never fear.. As soon as it passes.. I will be signing up for the AFP =) And I always try to keep my word so i hope you guys will happily take a Rain check =) And i'll be back soon.. Even if i have to cut my ears off.. haha just kidding =) well maybe.. hehe (It's not serious.. so no worries) Skydive Chicago is a very nice place, and no one should take the bad Rap it has to heart until they check out the place them selves.. Rock on.. and Hope to meet More SkyDive Chicago People!! Mike G
  7. thanks, i actaully just called.. SkyDive Chicago, they are nice enough to reschedule for next week.. It just killed me to cancle it to.. hehe.. dam dam dam..
  8. Ahh Thanks everyone for the advice.. Now i'm depressed.. hehe i think i'll try some home remedy's or something and see if this will get me back to normal.. i guess if i have to.. i think it was a $50 deposit i'd lose... =( pray for me! hehe
  9. Well this is probably stupid for a first post. but i'll ger her a go.. Tomorrow i'm gonig for my first Tandem.. YAY! Been excited and waiting all week for this.. The past couple days i've had terriable sinus headache's.. and i'm sorta worry being up so high that my head might explode.. and advice.. i really don't want to miss it.. i have lots of vicoden that i can take.. but i don't want to be stupid up there.. *sigh*.. Lates..