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  1. This was my first skydive or tandem dive. I was really excited and could not wait to be flying. There were closer dive centers where I live but the outfit in Middletown Ohio had good reviews. After filling out the waiver we were given a tour of the facility. There are several monitors which track your party to let you know what plane your on and how long the wait. Being a Sunday afternoon the facility was busy. Seemed like a constant production of gearing up loading, drops and repacking shoots.Our party of five had a 40 minute wait before someone came and help us into our suits and harness. I heard my name called by one of the instructors by one of the instructors and off we headed to the twin turbo prop with a back loading, and unloading door. He gave me some simple instructions on what to do and when to do it.It took about 20 minute to get to the drop zone. I believe we were at 13,500 feet. The plane leveled off and the back door opened and out we walk into the great blue. Free falling was a rush. not from the excitement but from the force of the wind. My instructor was great an maneuvering us around around while free falling and circling the drop zone. Made a soft landing close to the facility. The next time will be better. I highly recommend the Start Diving facility in Middleton There are many friendly and knowledgeable instructors the make the first jump a breeze. Roy Youngmann