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Posts posted by Merkur

  1. Hi there,
    found a lot on tips for the 4-way divepool but not really much that helps memorizing the 8-way divepool.

    Any tips available??


    P.S. If there is already kind of a complete list somewhere here - which keywords did you use to find it?:$
    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!

  2. Like said earlier, this depends on how you define load organizer.
    If you are looking for someone who is getting paid for waiting untill some jumpers with no teammates show up to make a jump together, the I vote no.
    If you are looking for someone who is available for "single" jumpers to jump with them (be it two-way, 3-way, or more) then I would say, most of the times, you will find that kind of person(s) at my DZ:
    They might not jump with you/a group the whole day, but you will get at least one or two organized jumps.

    The secret is to ask for "help" instead of waiting to get adressed.
    I have so far never seen someone who wants to jump in a group driving home in the evening without havung at least one jump with others.

    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!

  3. Hi all,

    I am currently planning my 2 week trip to Eloy in November 08 (no typo here!).
    What suggestions do you have for accomodation.
    Personally I prefer to rent a RV. And as we do not have these huge ones in Germans, I would like to get one where you can slide out the walls.

    Do you know of any of the residents who is willing to lease his/her RV from 11-03 to 11-15?
    What other options are there?

    If you already have someone in mind, please PM.

    blue ones,

    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!

  4. Other than being an organizer, I think that being on the bench is most difficult.
    On one side, you hope that someone fails, on the other side you are there to support the team.
    Finally, once you are asked to join, you have to be able to fly any slot.

    Also your weight might influence which slot you regard to be difficult. The further out you dock, the slower the formation is already falling (yes, I know that thwere are formations that are quite consistent in fall rate). Therefor, for most folks the following applies: The heavier you are, the closer to the center you want to be to consider the slot easy.

    blue ones,

    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!

  5. Hi Jaker,

    I disagree a bit with surfing ans especially climbing as something that you can do "casually" without really increasing the risk of getting really hurt or even, like you call it, end up deceased.

    In all of your hobbies you require a certain state of currency.
    That's the same for skydiving as well.

    If "casually" means, that you will jump one weekend a month (but several jumps) I would say that this is O.K. However you will most certainly not really improve but still keep a level of proficiency that will keep you safe.

    If you go out just every other month, this might work as well.

    Beside the actual improvement in flying, I noticed, that a lot of people, especially with lower jump numbers, do have more of a mental problem if the delay between two jumps is to long. Thereby the fun-aspect for these jumpers is going towards zero as their stress level is pretty high.

    Like said in another post - go through AFF and decide afterwards how much time you want to spend on the DZ. If it's going to be just once every three month it might be the wrong hobby.

    But I am quite sure that you might finally have found something - even if you claim otherwise - that you might stick with. It will most certainly be the first time, that you start quitting some of the old and "boring" stuff that you have done so far. ;)

    blue ones,


    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!

  6. I learned one hand per handle and so far used it successfully with 3 malfunctions.
    As so far I never had a "hard-pull" malfunction, it worked perfect for me. I think that I might be aware enough to use a second hand on the cutaway if a hard pull should happen.
    However this might not be the case for a student.

    The German military is trained one-hand per handle.

    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!

  7. Check This website provides information on nearly all DZs in Germany with contact numbers.

    Ticket prizes are around € 26.-- - 30.--
    No idea about the gear rental.
    Valid USPA licence with logbook should be O.K.

    You might try the same request in the German forum here on to get infomration from a jumper who lives in that area.

    Have fun,

    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!

  8. No fee for foreigners -- the ticket to the U.S. is expensive enough;).

    Other than that, I like the option of paying normal jump ticket until you reach a certain amount of money and afterwards jumps are free. You could even add some extra money to these first jumps as you have the chance to get organized jumps, raft dives, ...


    vSCR No.94
    Don't dream your life - live your dream!