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Posts posted by Boomerdog

  1. Quote

    Not sure why people are so upset, isn't this exactly what your 2nd Amendment intended?

    These people truly believe that they are dealing with an out of control government that they need to stand up to. Like I said, exactly what the 2nd amendment is for.

    After reading a bunch of stories form both angles, it appears Bundy et al jumped the shark. There's bad behavior on the part of the Government too but such behavior at this stage does NOT rise to the occasion of escalating this to an armed confrontation. The townspeople do not want them there. The case has been resolved by two men going back to prison and the case needs to be argued in the courts. If this breaks into a gunfight, Bundy et al will be to blame.

  2. Gee...I thought a man of letters as distinguished as you would have resorted to a higher level of rhetoric...sad.

    Uh, both President Obama and my number one pick for "Mother-In-Law On The Back of a Milk Carton," Hillary Clinton are quoted as preferring the "Australia Model" which IS confiscation. California's Senior Senator Diane "Slumlord" Feinstein she's like all the guns turned in. Google "gun control confiscation" and you'll get many many hits. Ya see Don, it's never been about enforcing the thousands of firearms laws currently on the books.

    Now if the Australians are happy with their laws on guns, fine with me and same for the Canadians. They are sovereign states who know what's best for them.

    I was thinking about asking you here about your own forays into jerking off but Congress made me an Officer and a Gentlemen a long time ago so I'll refrain from formally asking.

  3. Quote

    And the NRA has had little in the news as of late
    But Bill will say that the NRA is the real sales people:S

    The NRA will always be the punching bag, the bogeyman etc. etc. It's become too common a thing. A shooting goes down, blame the NRA...and so it goes.

    Funny thing that of the firearms I've bought at stores and shows, I've always had to fill out the paperwork, the dealers (at both store and show) always phoned in to do the background check and once everything was in order i.e. passing the background check, the sale could be finalized.

    I can site a lot of past stories and statements but the fact is, the gun control crowd does not seek tighter regulations, they seek total confiscation of privately owned firearms. They think they can confiscate over 300 million firearms while at the same time making the claim of how impossible it is to deport 10? 12? 20? million illegal aliens. HMMMMM....

    OK, time to go don the verbal flack vest and prepare for the predictable incoming.

  4. Well:)If you're going to start a thread like this and I truly applaud your courage (even though I disagree with you 99/100 times), take it a step further and engage. No staying above it all waiting for someone to come in with something so you can pounce.

  5. It's why I flew a non-stop from Baltimore-Washington non-stop to Phoenix. Layovers in Chicago or Denver this time of year not good! Travelled on Christmas day too. It used to be few traveled on Christmas day, BWI and PHX were freakin' madhouses. I'm rethinking ever traveling on Christmas again...unless absolutely necessary.

  6. Sounds like you jump at NorCal Skydiving and having read some about the DZ, the DZO has invested almost his whole life savings in that DZ. Now he may be upended by some developer who is also urging the Cloverdale City Council to invoke eminent domain and may be willing to pay back to the FAA all of the grant many the airport has received over its history.

    With the recent forest fires there, I'm curious to know whether Cal Division of Forestries (CDF) had to use Cloverdale for some of the smaller firefighting aircraft as the "heavies" might have oversaturated the ramp at Santa Rosa Airport, Napa Airport etc. If so, then the existence of the Cloverdale Airport may serve a direct public safety interest.

    Having grown up in California and living the last 15 years in the Napa Valley, I'm fully aware of the NIMBY petulance of a very vocal few who have nothing better to do but make life hell for the rest of us.

    Good luck.

  7. Quote

    St. Pete mayor bans Trump

    It's sad to realize how unintelligent a LOT of Americans are.

    The mayor of St. Pete or the unwashed masses?

    Deja vu all over again? Remember 1980?
    Everyone trashed Reagan, called him a reckless cowboy etc etc etc. Called him a Nazi too.

    In the election of was all over before the vote in California was tallied. In point of fact, Reagan didn't need California to was icing on the cake.

    Certainly not a perfect match mind you. 2016 is not 1980 but too too many similarities are lining up.

    Of course, I could be wrong...but I'm enjoying the food fight. We ain't had a good political donnybrook in a long long time.:)

  8. Quote

    We're seeking to ban him from the UK:

    Gonna be some real irony if he's elected.
    The President of the United States is not only the head of state, the office also carries the highest ambassadorial rank as defined by the Treaty of Westphalia, 1648. The US has accepted and ratified that treaty although "not around at the time."

    Bottom line...Trump get's elected, no ban.



    As a politician I think he's quite refreshing
    Speaks his mind and cuts through the political correctness bullshit
    with a chain saw.

    OK...flack jacket is on, helmet is secure. Ready for the verbal "incoming." Here goes.

    Now I know many here are going to see that url above like a bull sees a red cape. OK fine so out of concern for ya'lls health. take your blood pressure pills before reading should you so decide to read it.

    The principle point of the author (Andrew McCarthy) is this. Trump has stirred the pot to a discussion that needs to be discussed.

    Is Trump REALLY advocating a permanent ban on Muslim immigration? No. He's saying, stop it until this country (the US) can get a handle on it, understand what Muslims really want, believe etc and communicate the terms that make it safe for everyone.

    And yes, the Congress DOES have the Constitutional authority to regulate immigration.

    OK...ready now for the verbal away.B|

  10. Quote

    I know. Not a big fan of that kid. Voted for the big bad conservative.

    You came over to the dark side?:):):)
    You're in deep shit now.

  11. Quote called Christians have spilled more blood and have more blood on their hands then ANYONE in the last 100 years.

    In the 20th Century, anywhere from 100 - 200 million people died at the collective hands of:


    To name a few.

    I don't think any of them had embraced Christianity...not even Hitler (so don't go there).

  12. Quote

    Have any of the Muslims on here done that?

    I dunno. Maybe CNN and the rest of the usual suspects might know. They're in the business of reporting those things. Chances are that answer is a no.


    A crazy minority should not mar the whole group.

    Could not agree with you more.


    Is the crazy Christian who shot up Planned Parenthood indicative of all Christians?

    This is where it gets sticky because no matter what answer I give you, your mind is made up, Here's what the New York Times said about Mr. Robert Dear,

    "Dear was a cheater, a sadomasochist, wife beater, gambler, peeping Tom, animal abuser, illegal drug user and fan of the Army of God, the band of self-proclaimed Christians who engaged in a rash of bombings and killings at Planned Parenthood clinics in the 1980s and '90s."

    Admittedly, Dear DID like to pose as Christian (As did the Army of God). But...if Dear was a Christian or a Christian when he thought it was convenient (the Christian life when truly practiced at it's best does have periods of inconvenience and great disappointment attached to it), I would like to think he would have embraced James 1:20. But being an occasional betting man, I'll bet he did not read that verse. And once...just this once, I would encourage you to read James 1:20. Like I said, just once, I'll try to minimize what you might think as a heavy and possibly undue imposition. But I know you can do it!

    Best I got! But like I said, your mind's made up.