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Posts posted by climber71

  1. IFly, do go to Orlando for my tunnel time aka dignity remover or d'oh factory. Suggestion have a card for people that live in other States, for discount to use throughout the year? It would expire once the year is up?

  2. Coreece. Know after the donor has passed, a medical test is done to see what organs can be used. Would not want to give you the wrong information. Can check with Lifeline of Ohio, give you a better answer. Will post it here.

  3. Hi Jerry,

    Interesting to read about family members being able to over ride the donors decision. Know in Ohio the decision by the donor stands, unless the Medical Tests make the donation invalid. Glad you are helping out. Blue Skies

  4. Am in the AFF program. Have a question how many Skydivers are Organ Donors? If not one maybe think about becoming one. Can also tell about you or family/friends being a recipient of organ donation. Or if you have any questions.

  5. Thanks popsjumper, yes do know that if the pilot or instructor tells the jumpers get out now, to exit at that time. Just wanted to see it there were people that have been through it as to have good discussions.

  6. Am in the AFF program pursuing the A License. Has anyone been in a plane where the pilot has said "Get Out of the Plane Now!" or when the parachute has been on the run? How did you react, what were your thoughts? Just wondering.

  7. Do eat pizza with anchovies. Others have pointed out the anchovies are too salty. Agree, so do not get anchovies on all my pizzas. Wanted to get a sign for a pizza shop that had "Real men eat anchovies."