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Posts posted by Monko760

  1. Overcoming fear is a large part of jumping out of a plane, at least how I understand it. I was so excited to be jumping, I was not thinking of the fear when I took my place in the door.

    One thing I learned about "scary" situations is; its best to have your mind made up before you have to act. For example, when I hit the door, I was thinking about the dive flow rather than realizing my fears. I was committed and checked any fear on the ground.

    What I wasn't expecting was when the door flung open at 1k ft and seat belts came off. My chest strap was loose at this point because my radio earbuds weren't in, so I was stressing a little bit looking out the door as the plane banked. Maybe I crave excitement, but that shit was AWESOME!
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  2. Made my lvl 1 jump last sunday, making my lvl 2 jump tomorrow. I wouldn't say it was surreal, but I found it very hard to concentrate on my job as a student and keep my excitement level down.

    I felt like I was at the door, ready to jump, every time I closed my eyes to drift off to sleep till about 2 days ago. I haven't gone 10 minutes without thinking about jumping again.

    It was a really POWERFUL experience to say the least.
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  3. Quote

    as experienced by anyone that has tried to organize a tandem outing for their friends or workplace. You start with 10 or 20 enthusiastic sounding folks but as soon as you ask for that $50 deposit for next Saturday, it's crickets.

    Perris offers 10% off my AFF jumps per first timer I bring. Holy shit is it difficult. If I ever had someone invite me, as I am inviting people, I would have taking the opportunity instantly. What could be more worth your hard earner money than falling to earth?
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  4. The only way I see to stop the cycle is to Legalize, Control, and Tax ALL drugs, in the same manner we do with alcohol nicotine and prescription drugs.

    Most importantly the Taxes will pay for EDUCATION and Rehabilitation. Most drug addicts would LOVE a way out of there destructive cycles(to themselves and others) they are in, but are not educated enough to do so.

    As it stands we spend money incarcerating people for drug crimes of various natures. If we stop spending that money we will have VAST sums available for education. If we then tax all current drug sales we will then have VASTLY LARGER sums of money to then educate our citizens about the perils of irresponsible drug use.

    Not only will we have more mo ney for education but we will have freed up untold amounts of Law Enforcement resources to deal with other more heinous crimes than smoking marijuana.

    I'm glad you were smart enough to overcome your addiction Chuck, many others are not.
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  5. Ramen noodles sound great, I'm liquidating everything on Craigslist and I Grind the Crack in my dreams...

    I smoked for 5 years and quit 9 months ago, that was a breeze. I never felt THIS WAY about a Marlboro, so I am going to have to say I might just be addicted.
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  6. Howdy made my first jump(Lvl 1 AFF) at Perris on 6/19, feeling very LOW at this moment, life on the ground just doesn't cut it anymore.

    So I am introducing myself and want to give a BIG shoutout to VegasJoe for being patient with my ADD self and being an awesome instructor. Please show me no mercy, I want to be humiliated into jumping better. Always worked when Dad was trying to teach me something =).
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  7. Quote

    I never did a tandem, but on my first AFF jump, I could hardly even think to look at my altimeter let alone think about something else! Must be a natural

    I'm thinking a tandem might have helped my Lvl 1(6/19/12). I felt the same way, got the first COA and the 3 pp down, altitude awareness went to the wayside as it set in how awesome this event was, until the camera guy flew around in front of me and that snapped me back into reality just in time to lock on at 6k.

    booked my lvl 2
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  8. I did see that part... Thanks for your patience in replying.

    I am obviously really new. I am half way saved for an AFF package, with my ultimate goal to dawn a wingsuit before then end of the decade. It shouldn't take that long, but I'm not the richest person in the world and I like taking progression pretty slow.

    Thank you all for not being as harsh as some boardies on other mb.
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  9. Quote

    As soon as the lead drops away your wingtip vortice advantage just left you.

    I don't know how far the vortices are effective for a wingsuit, but the episode of mythbusters I just watched tested the V formation with planes. They got similar results when flying in an extended formation as they did with a tight formation.

    Sorry I'm reaching so far, feel free to tell the nub to stfu.

    oh and Im with you SuperGirl =P
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  10. I guess I'm reaching, but it would seem as though there could be some sort of benefit gained. I know the vortex that comes off the wingtips can support flight some distance behind the lead flyer. So if the lead starts to lose altitude the followers could maintain slightly more altitude as they ride the vortex farther back from the lead.

    Maybe I just want to see a youtube of a V formation Grinding the Crack. -_-
    I fly and stuff, its fun!

  11. Flying the V

    Birds do it to decrease drag, have any of you tried doing this to increase the distance of your flight?

    I know I'm a complete newb, and I admit to only about 5 minutes of google/forum searches before coming here, but I think its an interesting topic.

    I know it would be insane to watch 5 guys jump a cliff, knowing the first three are only there to help the last two achieve a height or distance otherwise unattainable. Given there is ample space for the tip of the formation to break off and deploy safely.

    Pipe dreams?
    I fly and stuff, its fun!