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Posts posted by mrshutter45

  1. I didn’t threaten to bail. But as I told the group, I am not interested in navigating a minefield here. I’m asking all of you to figure out an event. From my email conversations with you, Bruce, Eric and others, I arrived at Eric as being the most appropriate person to put together as inclusive event as possible.

    I found nothing remotely close to what you quoted. Jim doesn't use caps in words, you do nor does his vocabulary fit "I'm out" the above is a quote from Jim and screenshots can be provided..

    Other comments from Jim 

    Hi Dave, I’m sure that the group will cook something good up, still!

    I’m just diminishing my role and don’t wish to get involved with the “Story” just yet –I’m just an entertainer/venue owner. Hope to meet you at the event, however it ends up landing!


    The quote you provided doesn't fit Jim's vocab..since you believe I have the email. I'll unblock so you can send the email from Jim? I already know you will back out of this as well.


    The real question remains is lying about people from my forum sending you emails. you love to expose people and yet you now refuse. it's a lie from this point on. 

  2. Quote

    The emails are MORE than relevant. They are the proof. You can't just toss around names without any proof, and I'm not posting folks' personal emails at DZ. Not for you, not for anyone. Not in a case like this. 

    You mean like accusing someone without any proof kind of thing, isn't that exactly what you did? Is that more of that giving it straight? You are lying your ass off. You've been lying about this for days. when are you going to man up and take responsibility for your actions that insult me and my forum? 

    The quote you gave about Jim doesn't sound like him either nor does he use caps. only you do that!

    The question will be asked everytime you post.

  3. You made the accusations public. you need to include the names. the emails are not relevant at the moment. 

    Stop asking me for favors when you refuse to either admit it's not true or identify those involved.

  4. 3rd attempt. This is a serious accusation. you either post the names or admit it's false. you are making this public knowledge with no proof what so ever. you can't make accusations like that without showing the cards. I think everyone reading this would agree, Robert. 

    Soon will be posted as a lie elsewhere. no choice left.

  5. Quote

    Nah. I'm not posting any names.

    Just what I expected from someone dishonest. You don't make accusations like that without showing any proof. you would go through the roof if reversed.

    Some people just don't want to work with you. it's all part of life. It's a matter of principle. you turn it into a need. "we just get in the way" so, what's the problem? you can't even be truthful about that. 

    People can read the story on the WORKING link below.


  6. Quote

    They weren't JUST going to Jim, you know. They were also going to others who had offered their support for the event. Just the trashiest stuff you can imagine. And every one of the people who did that...were members of YOUR website.

    2nd attempt. This is a serious accusation. you either post the names or admit it's false. you are making this public knowledge with no proof what so ever. you can't make accusations like that without showing the cards. I think everyone reading this would agree, Robert. 

    You are saying if I contact anyone involved they would support your statement, including Jim? how did they know exactly who to contact? I never told people who was involved  if they are people not on my emails how did people find out who to contact? most of this wasn't public jump at chances like this.

    Again, you made this public knowledge and need to supply the names or it represents more malice on your behalf. why protect them, it makes no sense?

  7. march 2019


    Listen folks. I gave you my thoughts last week about this event and why I don't wish to get involved. Mr. Blevins has sent me 3 emails basically threatening me to get involved or get out? just 4 days ago he posted this on The Mountain News


    "Bruce: Stop worrying. AB has withdrawn from participation in this year’s convention. I already sent a notice to Jim and Eric about it. No need to go into details. We just decided it was best."



    I never realized I was involved in any of this? 

    Jim responds 

    Hi Gents, 

    I’d like to do an event where all the “prevailing” theories are present but I’m learning that other factors outweigh this. I hear you on this, Dave. 

    I didn’t threaten to bail. But as I told the group, I am not interested in navigating a minefield here. I’m asking all of you to figure out an event. From my email conversations with you, Bruce, Eric and others, I arrived at Eric as being the most appropriate person to put together as inclusive event as possible. 

    I’m still hoping that’s happening. I know that Blevins has changed his mind a few times but I’d still like him to present, because the Christensen theory seems like one of the theories that makes some sense and has public appeal (I love several of the theories - Sheridan, Reca, Unsolved, Rackstraw, even FBI and aliens, it’s all fun and thought-provoking entertainment). 
















  8. Robert, this is ridiculous, Jim asked us to try and work with you. I never said it was your event. you were tied to it. 6 months, remember? that goes back previous to Eric's event. Mississippi studios kind of gives it away, no?

    Jim..March 2019

    I understand why you’re at odds with Blevins. I’d love to see you all basically ignore each other except with regard to discussing theories and facts of the case. Hopefully you’ll figure out a way to do that,

    Now, you keep claiming people from my forum email you. either tell who they were or this will be labeled as misinformation.

    I didn't screw up anything. I have the right to speak my mind. especially in my emails.

  9. Again, try to focus...several people, including myself rejected working with you. are you still there? Bruce rejected working with you. during this period you quit several times.. actually, I wasn't part of anything. Bruce was asked and given all the information. I simply gave my reasons why I didn't want to get involved. Eric also stated a few things that were directed towards your actions. I could care less who's event it actually was. I didn't want to be associated with you. why is this so hard to understand? 

    The emails were sent to me and I replied to them. you are encroaching on things that were really none of your business with the exception of the one's that were copied or CC'd with your name attached. the event fell apart because of all the bickering. you know all about that. it always runs side by side with you. it's a never ending loop. I know for a fact you sent way too many emails to Jim. we have a very bad history and it's written in stone.everyone gets along with NO problem with every event Eric holds. zero bickering or drama.

    We will never work together on anything. I don't like speaking for others as you do but I believe Bruce feels the same way. you can probably include Eric as well and probably a few others. Bruce asked you many times to stop emailing him. you never learn.

    In closing, my opinion is you don't do anything to forward the case. you whine and complain about everyone, you strike quickly when suspects come into the discussion. you are the most negative person I have ever crossed. perhaps it's the reason you get bypassed. you get brought up on my forum to correct falsehoods. you are not, and haven't been the topic in years. you still have a book you profit from with author known misinformation  in it. I'm not going to read that novel you wrote.

    It's Christmas...give it a break. Good night. sorry, good morning. 

  10. Quote

    You apologize for doing this, but offer to post a link, which the public can't see anyway because of your site policy...


    Try to keep up, okay?
    I said I didn't want to clog up this forum like you do posting endless nonsense. I will provide a working link here for all to read, you with me still? it will explain what occurred while I was merged into the event. Jim put me into this and never said what he wanted from me. I explained my position with you and the event. you don't like it, that's not my problem either. some people don't trust or care for YOU. the whole problem is YOU being rejected. deal with it!
    I will post the working link after the holiday's. that will be on January 2, 2021. 
    Robert, none of this belongs on here, period. it's you that is obsessed with all of this nonsense. post after couldn't go one week posting here everyday without gossiping about the past. 
    I'll be back on the 2nd. I have a party to go to. you should try to get out more often vs staying up all nite gossiping... :)

  11. Quote

    Well, nobody's stopping you, are they? The truth is that you are obsessed with me. You bring up my name SO much at your own website you should rename it 'The Blevins Forum'. Or maybe to give equal time to Cooper, the Cooper-Blevins Experience...sort of like the old name for the Jimi Hendrix band.


    Lol, that's backwards again. you haven't been the topic of discussion in a longtime. you have been mentioned with corrections. however, 3 names have been constantly mentioned here (not discussed) since the thread started back up again. believing you over run Cooper on my forum is an outright lie. anyone can see that. it's here the pages are full of nonsense. you have recently taken up full pages.I don't see any discussion, only remarks. it is what it is..

    I don't have a problem with the camping trip at all. it's just not anything I do. I research the case. that's it. Flyjack is the main reason I check this site. he sticks to the rules and helps advance the case. his input into the case is a positive one. he's not always right, but who is. he's in the background like others trying to get answers about things while you install speed bumps slowing things down. no, I'm not talking about your trip either!

    Now, if you wish to continue the discussion surrounding the Mississippi event I have a post ready to be made into a link instead of taking up space here so anyone can view the emails sent by Jim. you will not see any threats from Jim about warnings or lies. you will also see where you backed out of the event and have the typical tantrums and untruths that Jim remarks about. it's entirely up to you. I doubt anyone else is hanging on the edge of there seats over this.

    I would also like to apologize to this thread for disrupting things that are not relevant to the case. I will also speak for MYSELF wishing everyone here a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



  12. Quote

    He warned you to stop the attacks and the lies. He TOLD you that he wanted both me and the AB staff involved in that event. 


    Robert, this is soooo tiring. you are once again speaking out of context. I was not warned of anything nor do I lie. Yes, Jim "asked" and didn't warn anyone to try and get along. He's not in a position to speak like that. that's YOU speaking like that! I responded saying we do get along, it's just you that I didn't want to work with or be associated with.. wouldn't we just "get in the way" or the public you speak for might hold back showing up? also, please show where Jim warned me about lies? you can't MAKE someone do something they don't want to do! 
    Get with Jim and get the Decoded crew and your actor and you can have the very same event you want with Jim. "we will just get in your way"

    They were not attacks, Robert. I told him the reasons and those are mine to state whether you like it or not. Jim joined my forum and I sent him and email and was copied into all of this. Yes, I had several communications with him that was separate from being put into the conversation with all involved. that's how you reply? it's not my fault two emails were running. it's not my fault Bruce said what he said. Eric had his reasons as well. you should ask him vs speaking for him creating your own version of events. I din't put myself into this. Jim, did! nobody went on a email ambush. 99% of the emails had everyone included. what I didn't see was responses from you. plenty of them publicly? I didn't put myself into this!

    It's very simple. I don't wish to be associated with you. again, that's my decision and mine alone. others agreed and had nothing to do with me. you seem to demand things like we all must get along with what you do? I'm from Florida, remember? why are you preaching to me since you believe I have no say in events? you speak in circles. you speak negative all year long until you need something. then you start begging. when that fails, you claim everyone is jealous. it's very obvious they are cries for acceptance. you even blackmailed posters to get back at me. you held your own posters on your forum hostage demanding I remove the ban on you. I don't owe you anything nor do I have too? you are a never ending drama queen. 
    I was brought into the Mississippi dealings. you wrote "poison pens" with two events Eric did injecting yourself into something that wasn't any of your business. 
    It's a never ending circle dealing with you that clogs these sites up. it's the reason I don't like coming here and post on my forum where it doesn't clog things up (off topic threads). this doesn't have that ability but doesn't stop you from taking up pages of drama people have to weed through to get Cooper material. over 5 years this has been going on with you. 

  13. Robert, I research the case. that's what I do. I don't hold events. I can show the PM of your admission no longer needing a VPN to view my site because your IP changed. this is twice you have lied about this. you were well aware Skipp did that article. it doesn't matter if he was working with AB books or not, you took advantage of the opportunity and removed a dead man's name (your partner) for the glory! plus, you left parts out. the article was posted by Sluggo on page 755. the article was never made public. Gayla declined the interview which you didn't even know, according to this thread. you are not being honest with this board on a lot of things!


    Jim, from Mississippi studios asked me about you and I answered him. you love to spin things entirely out of context. just as you recently did with Eric's absence. you whine about personal vs business but never once helped Eric. he paid out of his own pocket vs someone giving him money because they can't afford to do things on there own. what was done to you is exactly what you tell producers (we warned them about you guys) Jim asked, Shutter answered. it's pretty simple. I refuse to work with you.


    Listen to yourself, Robert? "If Cooperland ever decided to work together instead of engaging in petty bickering, finger-pointing,"


    That's all you do on this site. every other post you are constantly whining about someone and getting facts wrong by speaking for them. you are the biggest hypocrite I've come across online. Ignoring you is now "getting in your way" why are you begging Bruce to join then? can you explain how we are getting in the way? am I writing articles, making video's. are we having an event right next to yours at the sametime? please advise. everyone does basically get along. it's you that tosses a wrench into things. I don't work with you, I don't speak with you on the phone or anywhere else other than confronting you here. I don't have any links to you or what you do, so I fail to see a reason I need to mention you or anything you do? we just get in your way, right? what's really funny, is the fact of you claiming nothing bothers you. take a long look at this thread Robert. 90% of your comments are about the things that never bother you. you now take up pages of nonsense. 


    Merry Christmas

  14. You do what you have to do there Mr. Honest...this is one complete and total bold faced LIE.

    "One of them is how members of the biggest website on the Cooper case conspired together to steal a book and publish it."

    Now you are openly accusing me of theft. you just go right ahead. I'm ready this time...

  15. The old divert comes into play..that's my opinion. you don't like it that's tough. I responded to someone who spoke of the very issue I wrote about...don't put that up? 

    I don't care about your forum..what is it, attempt 8-9? of course you won't allow what you do on everyone else's sites. no clogging up that forum with off topic comments, right. only where you can you can break someone else's speaks volumes..nicely put, bravo...

  16. Sounds like a problem for you and not me...Sheridan owns the book. you need to speak with him in regards to any agreement you had prior to Snowmman. I could care less the amounts you offer Robert. that's really cheesy and unprofessional IMHO. it's the thought that counts, not the amount. you always feel the need to include dollar amounts with things. 

    I know nothing about any files about the book. you need to speak with the people involved. I'm not going to help you in anyway. If Sheridan really wanted this from you then what's the frickin' problem? how do you know what Snow has and what Sheridan has without talking with either or if the agreement you had is still valid? you dive into the water and climb out wanting everyone to dry you off, really? it's your deal between you and Sheridan that was apparently made! I had nothing to do with that either...I'm not obligated to do anything for you. doesn't matter what you think is right. I don't know Sheridan at ALL, no emails, no comments online, no Facebook, Twitter, nothing. same for Snow. he was on my forum but that doesn't imply we are pals? the most I recall commenting with him about was documents surrounding Reca..this is between the three of you, period. 

  17. You are finally partially correct...377 is friends with both of them or at least was with Sheridan.  email 377 about your problems. I didn't write the book nor did I have anything to do with publishing the book..the email for Sheridan is written on the reply you posted from him. contact Sheridan to fix Sheridan's book you claim to want to do? you had 30 emails with Sheridan, make it 31?


    1) Why do you fail to make contact the owner of the book?

    2) What rights do you have to side step Sheridan like you accuse Snow of?

    3) Snowmman doesn't own the rights to the book.


    How about YOU do the right thing by going DIRECTLY to the source. why are you whining to me about a problem YOU have? it happened in 2018 and brought up by you in 2020. it appears to be YOU doing the whining...? contact Sheridan Peterson to fix anything to do with Sheridan Peterson? 

  18. Zero dodging..I had nothing to do with the publication of the book..CONTACT the person who wrote it and has the COPYRIGHTS to it...that's very simple and that person is Sheridan Peterson..Snowmman and Sheridan apparently got the book published. you have lied several times in this story along with the conference. I don't know Sheridan or even Snowmman other than on my site. I had one PM with him in regards to controlling the 302's when he first came to the forum.

    You claim to of had some sort of contract or dealings with Sheridan, not Snowmman. Sheridan owns the rights and has the final say unless Snow has some sort of contract with him which is extremely don't need me for squat..CONTACT the rightful owner of the book. stop accusing me of publishing the book. why isn't Sheridan screaming? 

  19. Robert, it's very simple...why haven't YOU discussed this problem with the author of the book (Sheridan Peterson) why are you trying to work around the actual owner of the book? this horrific injustice could be solved with you contacting the owner of the book, no? where is the FBI and law suits, the book has been published? It's my understanding Snow even went to Sheridan's house. 


    You also LIED about the manuscript being "stolen" by misquoting Sheridan. Snow purchased the manuscript prior to Sheridan taking it offline as he stated in 2018. the manuscript was online for a short period in the mid 2000's. you also have no value for privacy by posting Sheridan's email address in his reply. did you ask him if you could post personal information or the email? if you did that to me all trust would be gone. 


    The book was published and the owner of the book is under the name of Sheridan Peterson..for some reason you are not contacting this person (Sheridan Peterson) in regards to your rants. any changes surround said book needs to be discussed with those involved in the book. especially, the person who wrote it..that would be Sheridan Peterson. I don't go to McDonalds looking for a Whopper? 

  20. It doesn't matter what you say..I didn't "sponsor" anything. it's a public forum. I'm not dodging anything. the material Snow had was purchased by him. he is friends with the person who wrote the material. the book was published after Snow left the forum. sponsoring the book would include being involved in it and money exchanged and promoting it etc.

    Portions of a material and other copyright material can be posted under the fair use clause. Sheridan asked him to stop posting portions which Snow steal complete posts from my site? 

    Why is it so hard for you to call Sheridan who wrote the book. why is it your business? I told you earlier, if you have a contract then he breached it. how hard can this be and why would it be up to me when you have the contract and was directly involved in trying to publish the book? it's similar to the threats you make with law suits against Kenny. you don't own him. you own what is written in the book. how does one sue for slander on a dead guy? 

    I didn't put the book online, Sheridan and Snow apparently did. I don't know, you know why I don't know?. because I wasn't involved. you can't blame anyone for what others did Robert. I never spoke to him in regards to publishing squat. I don't know Sheridan and have never spoken to him. if HE has a problem with the book. HE needs to take action. not you, not me but SHERIDAN PETERSON. the owner of the book?

    YOU have the contact information to the person who own's the book and had some sort of agreement or contract. why can't you resolve the problem with the owner of the book? why didn't Sheridan contact me? YOU need to go directly to the source, period.

    1) The book was published.

    2) The owner obviously agreed to publish.

    3) The owner hasn't voiced out against the publishing.

    4) Someone who didn't publish the book is screaming injustice. 

  21. Robert, one more time...I had nothing to do with the damn book. just because it was discussed on my forum doesn't bind me to it. no, I didn't buy the book. Sheridan doesn't interest me in the least. it's not my responsibility to contact anyone for you. that all falls on you. how much higher can you get this molehill?

    It's Sheridan's book, no? contact him about it. I'm not going to help you in anyway, period. go directly to the source, isn't that what you tell others? drive, fly, walk to his house, what ever it takes to accomplish what ever the hell it is you want. your not getting it from me. members on my forum appreciate personal information and don't wish it to be handed out. you burn too many bridges to even know Snowmman's name. it's not my fault you don't know how to contact him. the source is Sheridan anyway. you had 30 emails back and forth, right? why would the person (Sheridan Peterson) not work with you on this. it's his book? the book was published long after Snowmman left the forum so once again you are not telling the truth. they obviously mended there differences and published the book. not me or Bruce, or anyone else. 

    Sheridan appears to be able to make his own decisions. why you were left out is unknown and is of no concern to me. take it up with those involved as to why..

  22. Robert, you are barking up the wrong tree...CONTACT either Sheridan or Snowmman in reference to the BOOK. I didn't put any input to the publishing. I had NOTHING to do with the publishing of the book. I didn't design the cover, I didn't speak to Sheridan. I didn't go over any details with either party. it was discussed for a period on the forum in 2018, mainly by 377 and Snow. it's of none of my concern even though it was discussed doesn't mean I have to do anything. I am bound by squat. if you had a contract then sue for breach..once again, the only person upset appears to be you..


    If any apologies are in order they would be required from have been caught lying multiple times. you constantly break the rules on this thread clogging up the discussion of the intended purpose of this thread with either off topic rants or half page comments about truck tires (ad included), shower tents and old pictures of camp small paragraph about Cooper and the next 6 paragraphs full of false narratives and hatred. you instigate causing a never ending loop..

  23. To clarify further. Snowmman was asked to stop posting portions of the book and the request was honored. his intentions were not negative or undermining but to get the book published as Peterson always wanted. 377 backs these intentions up 100%. nobody has the actual true story unless they know the both of them personally. you are once again adding assumption and speculation along with hatred giving a different storyline of evil...seems to be a trend here lately.


    End of story!