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Everything posted by sjsmith

  1. Let's not forget some other things she wrote on FaceBook. I copied the pages at the time because I knew she was digging herself in deep. August 1st: KK writes: OMG, what's next for you? Marla: A lot of capitalizing. Brother to Marla on August 3: This is a load of crap, and you know it. Brother also questioned her around that time: so when did you going by the last name of Cooper?
  2. Let's not BS around, and let's have Marla answer since we know she's now reading the threads. Marla, can you let everyone know that the info I posted is true? Because, if you deny it, there's plenty of people in your circle that can discredit it. And, if you deny it, then we know you are not being honest.
  3. Does any one know why she just started going by the last name of Cooper last year when she started her DB Cooper research? I've known her 15+ years, and she has never gone by that last name until she started her research. People, you sure are being fooled by a pretty blonde that speaks so eloquently. She's been married and divorced four times. She has three sons that her husband raised. Oh, and one of the sons was not even her husband's. It was with a man she had an affair with while married. She didn't tell the son until last year or the year before when she got back with that lover and he ended his 20+ year marriage to be with her. And SURPRISE ... her son didn't speak to her for a long time because of his hurt. Thanks, Bruce and Robert, for doing some research on credibility. I think her changing her last name to Cooper was convenient timing to make this story more plausible. No doubt, she does have the family name of Cooper. Just curious timing.