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Status Replies posted by wmw999

  1. Hi. I am looking for a manual for a Time-Out audible please. Thanks.  Blue skies. 

    1. wmw999


      I would suggest posting this as a thread In the Gear and Rigging forum. I think that only people who follow you (which, as a new user, would be no one) will be notified of your status update

      Wendy P. 

  2. re you interested in the big boy rig?  call me  386-837-8279

    1. wmw999


      The user is unlikely to see this status. You have to send a personal message to the other user. If he emailed you, then it should be in the email that dz.com forwarded to you. If he sent you a personal message, you can use that. If you're on a computer, the personal message is up in the top right, with the little envelope icon. If you're on a phone, go to the upper right, the parallel lines icon, and the envelope is a sub-icon under that.

      Because you have your phone number in it, I'm not going to make this status open, because it would get shared with every user on dz.com.

      Another option for selling gear might be the FB skydiving gear group, if you do FB.

      Wendy P.

  3. Newly Licenced - looking for advice on what container / canopy / system would be best for me and any advice on buying gear welcome

    1. wmw999


      People are unlikely to see status, but if you go to the Articles section (available from the main dropzone.com page), there are several that are applicable, starting on page 2 "Know Your Gear" parts 1 and 2. Page 5 has articles on buying new and used gear. Page 8 has an article on buying your first gear.

      Normally, the advice is to buy something that you're comfortable jumping NOW, rather than one you'll downsize into. Because you can make a lot more mistakes on larger canopies without hurting yourself, and you will learn from those mistakes.

      In the forums, you can find a lot of discussion (and places to talk) in the Gear and Rigging section. It's searchable, so you can look first to see if some of the questions have already been answered -- but it's fine to ask them, too, because gear has changed with time, so what was a current canopy 15 years ago may no longer be.

      Good luck, and enjoy skydiving

      Wendy P. (moderator)

  4. Moderator... How do it set up my profile???

    1. wmw999


      Click on your userid, somewhere in the upper right there should be a "complete your profile" selection, at least if you're on a PC -- I don't do major stuff on my phone because typing on it sucks so bad.

      After you start, even if you quit on a step, "edit profile" should be available in the upper right in the future. There's an option when you go back in to enable status updates as well.

      Wendy P.

  5. Hi im interested please contact me at 9175965223 Daniel 

    1. wmw999


      This is probably not the way to contact anyone -- the status update doesn't work here like it does in Facebook. We have a Message capability (look above at the little envelope icon), and you post questions in the advert for whichever gear you're interested in.


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)