
VRW 4way pick up teams at Nationals

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VRW, VFS whatever they are calling it these days. Im looking to get together with a fun pick up 4way VFS team at this years Nationals. Its a test event and schduled for the last couple days of nationals.

Im open to flying camera, but I really want to be one of the flyers. Ive done one VRW competetion and hosted a VRW camp at my DZ. Ive got some experiance, but really havent trained at it. Ive been fortunate enough to pick up a few real good tips and learn about the whole team thing from members of Team Mandrin.

I will be at nationals chillin for the week. Ive got some 2way crew vid to shoot, but I plan on being available to enter the VFS test event. I will be looking to get on a pick up team.

Anyone who is also looking, post here and maybe set up a team. Also, send me a PM if you think you'd be interested in teaming up with me.


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You'd probably get mad at me if I screwed up your dive.


I'm thinking real hard about it. My only real concern is embarassing myself in front of everybody at nationals. Realistically I don't have the skill level to seriously compete, but it does sound like fun. I'll fly that camera slot for you though for sure.

If you really need somebody I'd do it.


"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."

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