
Trying to Figure Out What to Buy

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I was at Cross Keys a couple of weeks ago and my son misplaced my digital camera.

Instead of just replacing the camera with another still camera, I thought it would be nice to find a camera that did both video and stills.

I only have 77 jumps, but I'm trying to think ahead.

What digital video camera (that also does stills) would you recommend for future use with a helmet?
Jump, Land, Pack, Repeat...

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Unless you mainly want a video camera, just get a still camera. I don't think any of the minidv video cameras take really decent stills. You either get a video camera that can also take just ok pictures, or you get a still camera that can take just ok video. Buy a video camera for jumping when you're ready to use it for that, since new ones come out all the time and the price drops on the older ones.

I will say I've been impressed with the stills that the PC1000 can take... pretty low resolution by still camera standards, but not as bad as I was expecting. Makes for a pretty big/heavy/expensive low res still camera though, and it's uncomfortable to hold (in my opinion). Also lacks a lot of the basic features you'll find on pretty much any still camera.

Love my casio exilim for stills. Not SLR quality, but fine for normal use and small enough to fit in my jumpsuit pocket for getting pics in the plane.


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Yeah, my PC1000 takes decent "snapshots"... but for anything I actually care about I'm using my Nikon F100 which will be replaced by a D70s in the near-future. The low-light performance of the PC1000 for stills is pretty weak IMHO also so unless it's just quickie stuff for the web, I'm shooting in 35mm for the time being.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Just curious... why a D70s over a canon rebel xt? I know almost nothing about them, but noticed the D70s is a bit bigger, heavier, and 2 megapixels lower in resolution. And more expensive. What's the advantage (or did you just come across a good deal)?


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rebel xt and d70s have the same resolution
in reality 6M = 8M i.e. picre quality the same

d70s is like real stuff while xt is more like a toy

d70s would be my choice for anything but skydiving
I just bought xt - it's lighter and smaller


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I've read some comparative reviews in photography mags and the D70s comes out just in front. Its not all about pixels!
I also had quite a few Nikon lenses, flashguns etc but i switched to canon about a month before the D70s was announced[:/]
I'm very happy with my XT/350D though for skydiving - it just feels like a toy on the ground.

Instagram gary_wainwright_uk

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