
Camcorders and Mustek

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can anyone give me a fair review on the Mustek Mpeg Camcorders. They seem tiny by comparison to even the sony's. All my film will be on the computer anyway and streaming files, asf, wmv etc are just fine. Has anyone experience with them, any problems or downsides. They seem the perfect skydive camera due to the size.

Blue Skies
blue skies & white lines

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I have played with a Mustek DV2000 for the last year.
It is tiny, inexpensive and easy to use.
Cons include low resolution and inability to install aftermarket lenses.
So Musteks are great for goofing around with your friends, but not sharp enough to sell videos of tandem students.
In the long run, I expect Mustek's solid-state memory to dominate the market. It will just take Sony, JVC, etc. another two or three years to perfect their solid-state memory.

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