
Quality lose on Premiere 6LE

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I've been trying to edit some fotage using Adrobe Premiere 6LE. The fotage was imported on to my Sony Vio from a Sony PC 110 camara.

The imported fotage is fine and when I review it on my time line it looks fine but when I try to burn it back on to my hard drive as a movie it loses a lot of quality (becomes unwatchable). Does anyone have any ideas on how to solve this?

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I usually just recorded my footage back to my camera right off the timeline, but if you want to render a movie, it will probably have to be under 10 mintues if your using windows b/c you can't render a file bigger than 2gb. As far as making it watchable, check all your setting when you hit export-movie. There are a ton of different file settings and they will drastically affect how the video looks. If you need to file size down for DVD burning or something, look into a program like sorenson squeeze that can render video as Mpeg2 which will give you high quality video at a low file size. I think Adobe Encore might also have an option to compress video in Mpeg2 but I don't know for sure.

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Check your 'Project settings' you should be using something like "PAL DV" or similar.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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