
going back to basics

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So, after about 100 FF jumps, my new RW suit came in and I tried it out yesterday.

I think the first jump was a 5 way or so, and it didnt go so well, those booties really F you up ..

I got the mega booties that tony suit has, they are powerfull...

Anyways, I was zooming to and fro the entire dive..

When i went to pull, I saw the opening for the first time, so i knew I was unbalanced (must have been the booties), I opened extremely hard and had linetwists (I have never had linetwists since jump number 8). Anyway, I now have a bruise where my left 3 rings are, back/neck hurts...

On the second jump, I did a 2-way with beandip, it went much better, good exit, flew my slot, all we did is forward motion and center point turns...

Just wanted to say Thanks to beandip for making sure I had someone to jump with for RW even though I suck at it, and thanks to the rest of the Aerohio crew, you guys/gals rock :)

Im going to focus on RW for the next 100 jumps or so....

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