Method Freestyle Move

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Hello JPV,

Skydive Lillo has a 430 ft Swoop pond and it is 3 hours away from your country. With basiq Air www.basiqair.com you can find flights from 30 €. Check www.skydivelillo.com DZ website. The DZ is located 50 minutes from Madrid Airport, so it is a perfect plan for a long weekend

Have fun

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Try tweaking your body sideways in the harness at altitude , and keep the wing level . You can almost do a method w/out dragging . when you drag , say if your facing left , the canopy is more than likely going to turn the opposite way due to you leaning on that side of the harness more.

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I can do a method pretty much every time to about 90 or 120 degrees, I'm working on a full-on blind man now.

I really suggest using the surface tension of the water to move your feet, since it's a lower body only move, try NOT to move your harness more than necessary to swivel your hips unless you are going for a full-body method or a blind man.

I see the method as kind of the first step toward getting twisty in the harness.

Make sure you have a good amount of forward speed and begin the move after you start to drag your feet (I did my first methods over a dry smooth landing area) . Initiate the move using your rear risers and the tension of your feet on the surface- Keep the wing as LEVEL as possible and be conscious of your hips facing away from the direction you are flying for a moment. The quickest way to get out of it is to simultaneously get off of rears, to toggles and you get your hips back on heading to finish the swoop as normal.

It's true that you can do it without leaning in the harness but you do have to TWIST -I thing that's what JPV meant by tweaking. The move only looks like it's supposed to if your feet are in continuous contact with the water, though.

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I can do a method pretty much every time to about 90 or 120 degrees, I'm working on a full-on blind man now.

I really suggest using the surface tension of the water to move your feet, since it's a lower body only move, try NOT to move your harness more than necessary to swivel your hips unless you are going for a full-body method or a blind man.

I see the method as kind of the first step toward getting twisty in the harness.

Make sure you have a good amount of forward speed and begin the move after you start to drag your feet (I did my first methods over a dry smooth landing area) . Initiate the move using your rear risers and the tension of your feet on the surface- Keep the wing as LEVEL as possible and be conscious of your hips facing away from the direction you are flying for a moment. The quickest way to get out of it is to simultaneously get off of rears, to toggles and you get your hips back on heading to finish the swoop as normal.

It's true that you can do it without leaning in the harness but you do have to TWIST -I thing that's what JPV meant by tweaking. The move only looks like it's supposed to if your feet are in continuous contact with the water, though.

Thanks a lot!!

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