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I've now decided to move to Nottingham to complete my col's & jump as much as I can over the next 6 months, but because of rental gear being £10.00 a jump this will work out very costly.
I am now considering buying a complete USED rig, I finished AFF using a Javlin BOC & Specture 230, I am 5'9" 13st medium to stocky build, when I get off student status I will be trying out freeflying, givin that I will be on a tight budget any input would be great on who or where to go to, I would also like to know a rough guide as to how much ££££ I will be spending from buying a rig to jumping it after the checks.
Any info here would be great.

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To get into freeflying, it is best to talk to any freeflyers at your DZ. They will almost certainly steer you away from head-down and jumping with more than one or two people. This is very sensible and don't be put off by it. In time, your skills will have improved enough to be able to safely jump with other freeflyers. If you feel that you are not improving by doing solos, then it is time to get some help. If on a budget, I advise doing a couple of coaching jumps, then practicing by yourself. There are many safety issues in freeflying which are less apparent or not there at all in other disciplines; get loads of advice and don't be too impatient.
AS to your gear question, how much you spend between buying your rig and jumping it depends completely on the rig that you buy. You might see two, one which id a couple of hundred less than the other, but is ready to jump straight away. The cheeper one may well need a CYPRES service, reserve repack, relining etc,etc and could work out being more.
Hope this is of some help.
Blue skies.

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I take it you'll be jumping at Langar then? Where abouts are you moving to in Nottingham? Have you got somewhere yet? Do you need a room?
As you'll be at Langar (I think), have a chat with any of the instructors there - they know their stuff. Seek out Tony Danbury, he gave me some great advice!
Hopefully I'll see you at Langar!

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Cheers for the info, like you said, I will take my time & get into freeflying slowly, I know it's gonna be fun :)
Hey Ben
Cheer's for the offer of the room, got a house sorted, only 15min's from the dz, your more than welcome to the house warming next weekend.
As I'll be there for the next 6 months we will have to hook up for a few BEER'S.
I'm going to get a loan for my rig & I was looking for a ball park figure.
Squares Guy's

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I got my rig from one of the guys at Langar. Sabre 170 in a Vector copy with a cypres. You should be able to get this kind of kit for ~£1500 - £2000 without any trouble at all. Obviously check with one of your instructors about canopy choice as it's your first rig. Also check with the CCI (in this case it's DH) about whether he's happy for you to jump the kit you're considering - it's his DZ after all!
Any of the instructors at Langar will be happy to check the kit out for you if you ask them.
Which weekend is the house warming? I think I'll be back in the UK on the 17th & 18th of March - I'll be popping in to Langar then. You do know they're closed at the moment due to the F&M crisis? As are most of the other DZs.

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NO WAY!!! what the hell has F&M got to do with DZ's, i can see my progression is going to be a long & hard one (but i'll get there)
The PARTY is either on Sat 10th or Sat 17th (see if we can hold out till then) ;)
I can afford around £1500 JUST at a push so I will have a chat when I get there next week, CHEERS.

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