
some more 1980's Perris pictures

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As promised in a previous post here are some more Perris aircract pic's. The SCAT otter circa thanks giving 1983, the pilot of the cessna 150 that destroyed 817 and a different view of the impact. The jumper injured in the accident was Darryl Shultz, he was very lucky. He recieved a very bad leg laceration and some bruses.He was entering the DC3 (on the ladder)at the time of impact.

I've found many cool trivia items since I cleaned out my garage, I'll post some more in the future.


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Neat pictures. Never heard the story behing the SCAT Otter.

The DC-3 picture is just heartbreaking.


I've found many cool trivia items since I cleaned out my garage,

DONT THROW ANYTHING OUT! Knowing you, you've got way too much cool stuff!:D
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Neat pictures. Never heard the story behing the SCAT Otter.

The DC-3 picture is just heartbreaking.


I've found many cool trivia items since I cleaned out my garage,

DONT THROW ANYTHING OUT! Knowing you, you've got way too much cool stuff!:D

I wont throw anything out, if you notice the A/C taxing out to the north in the back ground of "Otter" pic its none other than 817.... go figure.

Just as an aside (albit ironic and tragic) the SCAT Otter is "nosed in" just a few feet SSE from where Pappa Victor came to a tragic stop some ten years later, killing many of my good friends in a day that would change my life forever. BSBD compadraes. I still feel the pain. Many good times were had, I miss you all.


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