
Skydive Statesboro

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CSpencyFly and I will be heading to Skydive Statesboro this afternoon for an entertaining weekend of jumping.

If you are interested in coming down to play and want to cook out Sat night please let me know via PM or on my cell.

Everyone have a safe weekend and have fun.B|

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Well, the first Cessna jusp was very nearly my last jump ever. The instructor on my last jump to get my A license was to instruct me on how to exit the plane at low altitude (the hop and pop). She had NEVER exited a cessna before and didnt' instruct me corectly. The door hit me in the head, knocked me into the strut, ripped off the alti, and I basically went head down flipping off. They had no idea if I was dead or what. I pulled unstable after 6 seconds (thank God for that big student main) and landed ok. I told the DZO that if he insisted I redo that level I was walking.

I swore to never grace the door of a cessna again as long as I lived.

Well, I've now tripled my number of cessna jumps and lived.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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