
Is Hartwood Paracenter (VA) Open?

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They have a new owner, a new (for Hartwood) 206, and all the same fun. I am looking forward to going "home" and flying there again.

This quote is from another forum... I've looked but can't find any confirmation that Hartwood has reopened.

Anyone know anything?

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The new owner told me the end of July, he made this statement to me via a phone conversation at the end of May. I hope he pulls it off, Hartwood was always a great place to jump and the weekend cookouts were a blast.

If Hartwood reopens at the end of July I will stay in the sport, if not, then my gear goes up for sale. While I can say nothing bad about the two other, excellent dropzones in this area, they just are not to my liking. I must be getting too old and set in my ways.[:/]

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I hope this happens -- it would give me another option that's closer than most of what's currently available. As far as your thoughts about getting out of the sport, how do you know that the new Hartwood will be to your liking? If it is under new management, there will undoubtedly be lots of changes. (And I might add, some changes will be welcome.)

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If the new owner has aircraft that fly, and competent pilots, then Hartwood will probably be to my liking.

It is an easy DZ to spot, as in doing the spot, from altitude and I like the landing options.

As long as the plane gets 13k for a reasonable price, I will probably be satisfied. With a 206 that should be no problem, if they stop at 10k, well, I won't be at Hartwood, and I imagine a lot of other folks won't be either.

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if they stop at 10k, well, I won't be at Hartwood, and I imagine a lot of other folks won't be either.

Agreed. 13-14K has become the baseline and anything less seems like you're getting shortchanged. In addition to altitude though, I'll also be looking for attitude (positive vibe) and professionalism.

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[reply In addition to altitude though, I'll also be looking for attitude (positive vibe) and professionalism.

Oh yes! Professionalism is right at the top of the list as well. I can put up with quite a bit as long as I see that the staff and DZO are operating professionally.

The current HPC website still does not reflect the new owner or any operational info such as when they will open and the cost of a jump. I have not seen any advertisement or heard anyone else mention the 'new' HPC other than you.

We shall see what the next few weeks hold for HPC.

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I think Harry will still be running the skydiving end. the new "owner" just bought the airport, with plans to develop it into houses in about 5-10 years. He's not a skydiver, so I think harry will still handle that end of the business.


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Sorry Lance...you are way off on this one...anyone who is interested, call the dz...we will advertise the grand reopening within the next several days...we will have an otter...Harry is retired and loving life at an undisclosed location. To his friends: his best wishes; to the rest: well you know who you are....>:(

Bill Hultgren
Hartwood S&TA

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To his friends: his best wishes; to the rest: well you know who you are....>:(

Bill Hultgren
Hartwood S&TA

Dammmn... not sure where I fit in there, I don't know if I know anyone who has not been pissed at Harry for one reason or another and I know that Harry has been pissed at me on more than one occasion.:P

Can I still jump at Hartwood?

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Good job on getting Hartwood going again. There's a lot of history there. I look forward to visiting soon.


...we will have an otter...

An otter? At Hartwood? A little tight for a loaded otter, dontcha think?


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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...we will have an otter...

An otter? At Hartwood? A little tight for a loaded otter, dontcha think?

Yea, I was thinking the same. I think the runway is 3300 feet and a mix of grass and whatever. I have been on many a fat-boy load on the old T-bo and that old beast made it, I suppose an Otter can too.
;). Maybe one of the pilot types can tell us?

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from the link above:

Runway 17/35
Dimensions: 2470 x 35 ft. / 753 x 11 m
Surface: gravel/turf, in fair condition
Runway edge lights: non-standard
Runway edge markings: /35 DOUBLE WHITE CONES MARK THLD.

Traffic pattern: left
Obstructions: 95 ft. trees, 1018 ft. from runway, 111 ft. right of centerline, 8:1 slope to clear

Traffic pattern: left
Obstructions: 35-40 FT TREES CROSS EXTDD CNTRLN. 55 ft. trees, 1026 ft. from runway, 208 ft. right of centerline, 15:1 slope to clear

Runway 9/27
Dimensions: 2000 x 100 ft. / 610 x 30 m
Surface: turf, in fair condition

Traffic pattern: left
Obstructions: 70 ft. trees, 1064 ft. from runway, 146 ft. right of centerline, 12:1 slope to clear

Traffic pattern: left left
Obstructions: 36 ft. pole, 48 ft. from runway, 74 ft. left of centerline, 1:1 slope to clear


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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Hartwood has a new Otter! Help us celebrate August 20-22

Our grand re-opening Boogie will include:

$15 jumps to 13,000ft

$10 Hop n Pops from the 206 (4,000ft)

Tandems for family and freinds

Raffles, skydiving goodies, and other free stuff

Food vendors on site

Free camping, RVs welcome

Indoor packing (including packers!)

Bon Fire Sat. Night

Meet the new DZO

$15 registration fee covers the entire weekend

For more information: 540-752-4784

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Good job on getting Hartwood going again. There's a lot of history there. I look forward to visiting soon.


...we will have an otter...

An otter? At Hartwood? A little tight for a loaded otter, dontcha think?

Absolutely no problem geting the Otter in and out of Hartwood. Mid sized loads so far on some rather warm days, and lifted off in less distance than the T-Bone. 1500' to 2000' FPM initial rate of climb, giving us 12 minutes to 14K on the last load Sunday.
And of course with a good headwind a light Otter can land in the Peas.
For former Hartwoodians, the old Beech has been sold. A pilot from Texas is planning on restoring her. Elizabeast will fly again at Hartwood, if only for some training flights and a last farewell. But she will go on to fly again. YAY!
Hartwood Paracenter - The closest DZ to DC!

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