
egads brain! (campus brimming with apparent interest)

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We have an event called quad day at our university where all the clubs set up tables and the thousands of people wander around the center of campus and ask questions and talk to the club heads.

So as we felt was best, we made up flyers with contact info and the website, put up our banner, layed out e-mail signups, popped open a few issues of parachutist, and sat back and let people come to us.

And I must say I'm surprised, I'm looking now at a list of about 600 names and e-mails of people who signed up to get our e-mails, and all of our I-forget-how-many flyers got snatched up well before the event was over.

So now I ask the fun question... How many people do you think are interested enough to actually come out and make at least one jump? keeping in mind this is all college students we are talking about. I'm interested to see your guys' (and gals') predictions.

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I reckon if you get some first jump courses going in the near future then you can get over 100 of them going. As the financial realities of student life sink in skydiving looks less and less affordable. So, I'd suggest getting those FJCs arranged as soon as possible before beer and books start to eat into their budgets.

When I was at uni, we had about 200 people showing up initially, got about 60 of them through training in the first term.

You'll probably also get your very own groupies, who just turn up to club nights and buy the club clothing :S:D

Good luck with it!

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i was president of the skydiving club (uhm, that would be 1985-ish) at SUNY Stony Brook. we would advertise regularly. many, many, many people were interested all the time. the number of people who actually made it out to the dz was miniscule. i don't remember numbers, but i wouldn't be surprised if it was 1 in 50 or even 1 in 100.

the conversation would go something like this:

me: get your skydiving here!
them: hey, i always wanted to go skydiving!
me: you're in luck, we're running a trip next weekend
them: uhm, i busy that weekend.
me: that's okay, we're running a trip two weekends after that.
them: oh yeah, that's the weekend of my .

you get the picture...
Mark Smith
AFF-I, S&TA, ex-Strong Tandem, Instrument Pilot

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we have a core group of about half a dozen of us, and we jump essentially every weekend, so people that e-mail us about tandoms we usually have a pretty straight-forward time getting them out there pretty soon after they ask.

The dropzone we go to (archway) runs first jump courses every weekend, and offers pretty good deals to our club members as thanks for the business.

I'm pretty excited about it, and I'll be sure to post an update or two as the semester rolls on about how things are going.

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I remember when I joined University a guy called Rob was in charge of the University Skydiving Club. At the freshers fair (as the event was known) he had a table trying to raise members for the skydiving club. They raised about 1000 members all of whom paid the up front £10 fee to join - do the maths. That year around 10 people did their AFF courses. The rest of the money went on paying for jumps for the club chairman and his mates. They even had a trip to the states.

All in all a pretty good club to be chairman of. I am sure it is not immoral to take some money to cover "admin" and then spend it on the half dozen or so of you that jump. As long as those who truly express an interest are able to jump too.


Gods don't kill people. People with Gods kill people

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