
Case of Nerves - Happy Ending

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Hey all!

I just wanted to thank everyone that helped me with my issues (breathing probs, opting out on my last jump). I was out at the DZ two weeks ago - way too overcast to jump - no breaks in the clouds. I went back on Saturday and had THE BEST JUMP EVER!!! It's my LAST tandem - AFP at Skydive Chicago is next! No breathing probs, watched my altimeter like a hawk, did my practice pulls and deployed at proper altitude. Had the greatest canopy ride ever, the only non perfect thing was the landing - went for a slide and the wind caught us and dropped me flat on my butt - ouch!!!! Actually after two perfect landings before this was not a bad thing. Not that you take the ground for granted (yikes) but it was an awakening.

Thanks to everyone who commented to me and gave me encouragement. My confidence had really been shaken the last time and I was not a happy girl. Now I know I am a skydiver (well, a student skydiver anyway), I WILL do AFP and I WILL get my license!

I love all you folks...thanks for listending to me cry and giving me hope.


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Coool girl. Look for me when you make off student status and I will set you up to have some fun, with me of course. Don't worry Wendy won't care.

TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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